The 12 Updates of Christmas

Hello everyone!

I have a present :D

So, I've decided to give my readers and friends a present by having an update EVERY DAY from today (December 21) to January 1st!  It may be a story update, or a one shot, or just a simple blog or top ten list, but I am determined to do something each day.  Most of my updates will consist of MBLAQ related stories and possibly some U-Kiss.  I plan on doing a Top 10 Male Rookies of 2012 and a Top 10 (or 20) Favorite Songs of 2012 as well.

Thank you for everything and I truly mean it.  To the friends I've met through the site you have helped me overcome a lot.  This goes to the friends on here I'm close to in real life as well.  Not to mention, my readers are the kindest people with their wonderful compliments.   

I'd love to have a list of what I'll be posting, but I'm not even sure the order simply because it depends on what inspires me.  Here however is a tentative list of what I'll be writing (subject to change):

A JooMi - One Shot ()
Top 10 Rookies - Blog
Top 10 (or 20) Songs - Blog
Joon/G.O - One Shot ()
G.O - One Shot (Clean)
Hoon One Shot ()
Thunder - One Shot ()
Finish 'We Get to Meet MBLAQ' Ending
Secret Star Society Update
Kevin - One Shot
Seungho - One Shot 

And just a notice, I already posted a One Shot on Chanyeol, so I will count that as the update today (it was a request made by KPOPbabe).

Also I may substitute one of those with a One Shot or new story on possibly Super Junior, SHINee or other random group.  And I could always replace any of the above with a blog as well.  I'll keep it interesting!

Please enjoy

Thank you again

And have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, or whatever you celebrate.  

Oh!  And if you have a request, feel free to let me know!  I'm doing this for you guys so it only makes sense if I write for you :D


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page_90 #1
All I see is Hoon!!!! Yepp can't wait :P and and again g.o with joon.. wae??? Haha
I'll be making sure you keep to this!! :) You can do it!