Calling all reviews/graphic shops/etc!

Hey! I've been on AFF for six months now, but I think it's time to take my writing a little further with some extra help. I would like graphics, for posters and things, because they would help the reader get a little visual for the story, at least in my opinion. Reviews. Okay, this is a lttle bit difficult. Some may be harsh and some may be too nice. But I don't know, because I know that they all want to be helpful. But my obstacle is that some may be closed or on hiatus. One or the other. I understand that they have lives behind the screens and I completely respect that. :) This won't be a rant post, it's really mainly to gather some good shops for graphics, reviews, GIMP tutorials, and writing workshops like "How to be an AFF Writing God." (I really recommend it. It might be cruel at first, but it's helpful, if you see past beyond the crispy tone.) So if you know some active ones, great! I'd love to check them out, if I haven't already! GIMP tutorials and writing workshops are a must. Creating posters and everything must be really awesome! Maybe if ai could become good at it, I could open up my own shop! Haha. So anyways, here's a list that's needed from greatest to least. Or in this case, most needed to least needed. 1. Review shops (nice ones!) 2. Writing workshops/tips 3. GIMP tutorials 4. Graphics shops Thanks for reading and helping! I apologize for typos, if there were any, because I was typing this on my phone and it gets annoying sometimes. Other than that, I'd love to see yor fanfics, as a bonus!


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I have a graphic review shop. I'm not sure if you're looking for a graphic review shop, though..I also make graphics, but I don't have a shop. I review stories too..
Do you still need any? I have a shop that has tutorials for Gimp and Pixlr (it's an online graphic editing program..I think it may be easier for beginners, but Gimp is quite simple too). I also have a story review shop. I have a graphic shop too, but we're not accepting any more requests there..