99 Truths About Me


1. real name: Elahaundra R.
2. nicknames: Main nickname: Ella, Haundra, Elly, Alex
3. zodiac sign: Pices
4. male or female: Female
5. elementary school: yes
7. college: I'm in high school
8. hair color: Brown with blonde under streaks & my tips were red, purple, & blue but have faded to pink &green. 
9. tall or short: Short 
10. im or email: E-mail
11. sweats or jeans:  Jeans, deffo
13. health freak: Lil bit
14. orange or apple: Apple!
15. do you have a secret crush on someone: I can have a crush on a lot of people at once. . .
16. eat or drink: I kinda do both
17. piercings: I have only my lobes pierced once, but they're gauged; I'm an 8
18. pepsi or coke: Pepsi
19. been in an airplane: Yes
20. been in a relationship: Yes
21. been in a car accident: Unfortunately, No. 
22. been in a fist fight: Yes
23. first piercing: Ears
24. current best friend(s): My bestest is Raveena & my others are Amber & Natalie 
25. first award: Citizenship Award
26. first crush: On the first day of kindergarten I had a crush ona boy
27. firstword: Mom
28. last person you talked to in person: My dad
29. last person you texted: Hmmm my mom's boss lol
30. last person you watched a movie with: Um we watched one in US History today, so my USH class
31. last movie you watched: Something about the Tuskegee pilots
32. last song you listened to: Um Zombie Nation by Grendel [an industrial band]
33. last thing you bought: Um wow uh mayyybee uhhh gum?
34. last person you hugged: My boyfriend
35. favorite food: Food.
36. favorite drink: Squirt [brand of soda]
37. bottoms: clothes
38. flower: ORCHIDS!
39. animal: Cat :3
40. color: Blue 
41. favorite movie: Sooo manyyyy but to name a few: Sixth Sence, Junjou Pureheart [good movie], Suicide Room [good polish movie], Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
42. favorite subject: Orchestra or english
have you ever: (put an x in the brackets if you have)
43. [ ] gotten baptized. 
44. [x] celebrated halloween.
45. [x] had your heart broken.
46. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
47. [x] had someone question your ual orientation.
48. [] got pregnant. 
49. [] had an abortion.
50. [x] did something you regret.
51. [x] broke a promise.
52. [x] hid a secret.
53. [x] pretended to be happy.
54. [x] met someone who changed your life.
55. [x] pretended to be sick.
56. [x] left the country.
57. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
58. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
59. [x] ran a mile.
60. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend.
61. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
62. [x] hated someone.
63. [x] stayed single for a whole year. 
64. eating: Cold pizza
65. drinking: Water
66. listening to: The sound of my papi's [dad in spanish] spanish news
67. sitting/laying: On a chair
68. plans for today: Finish anotating stories for my english exam I take tomorrow 
69. waiting for: CHRISTMAS
your future:
70. want kids: Yup, I want 5 xD
71. want to get married: Yes please
72. career: Cosmetologist then, hopefully, a psychotherapist 
which one in a significant other:
73. lips or eyes: Eyes
74. shorter or taller: Taller
75. romantic or spontaneous: Romanticly spontaneous 
76. hook-up or relationship: Relationship!
77. looks or personality: Your personality will make you attractive, but it doesn't hurt if you're easy on the eyes
have you ever:
78. lost glasses/contacts: Yes, except I don't need glasses so there's a lot of glasses missing lenses all over da place
79. snuck out of the house: Yeah but got caught lol
80. held a gun/knife for self-defense: Hmm yes
81. killed somebody: BUGS! ALL DA BUGS!
82. broken someone's heart: Yes, but didn't enjoy it too much
83. cried when someone died: Yes
do you believe in:
84. yourself: Kinda
85. miracles: Sure
86. love at first sight: A thousand times yes
87. heaven: Yes, it's on EXOPLANET
88. santa claus: "Sure"
89. on the first date?: Not in a trillion years
90. kiss on the first date: Not unless you've known the person for quite sometime
91. is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes
92. do you know who your real friends are: Of course
93. do you believe in god: Yes, but not just the christian/catholic god; also Krishna and Buddha and others
94. post as 100 truths?: There's only 99. . . Bwooooo?
95: quote a famous person: 
*"No matter how difficult and hard something is, I will always be positive and smile like an idiot" - Park ChanYeol
*"“Don’t hold back; be what you are and don’t be ashamed of it. Don’t be afraid to take it by the balls.” - Gereard Way, lead singer for My Chemical Romance
96- say something funny: I love you [yes, a Chen reference ;D]
97- laugh at yourself: I do that a lot.
98- last message: 
99- a picture of you: Look on my prof? 


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