Park Min Neul | ROYAL Application







"annyeonghaseyo, royal imnida!"

Park Min Neul



✶ behind the scenes

username: rainingscenarios
what should i call you?: TD


✶ i'm fine, thank you

name: Park Min Neul
nicknames: N/A
age: 18
birthdate: 16/10/94
height: 157 cm
weight: 42 kg
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
birtplace: Bakersfield, California 
languages: English, Korean
ethnicity: Korean


✶ why, you look so beautiful

ulzzang: Hana Reum Song Lee

links:  1  2  3  4
back up ulzzang: Park Bo Ram
links: 1  2  3

appearance: birthmark on shin, shaped like a deformed torch
style: cardigans, over-sized hoodies, shorts, sheer tights, skinny jeans, sneakers, flats, toms, flowy blouses, stockings/thigh-highs, sweater vests, collared shirts which are sometimes tucked in, cute tees. 



✶ nice to meet you

personality: Min Neul is a different young woman, who thinks outside of the box with a unique sense. She's not an easy cryer, and the mood setter. Min Neul happens to be the main source for everything, and tends to be a tad bit bossy due to her privledge. Min Neul may not be book smart, but sure is street smart and knows so much about relationships and pained hearts, despite the fact that she has never had a boyfriend. She enjoys taking selcas, going on long walks, the sun's warm heat hitting her skin, and having a splendid time with friends. 

Min Neul also seems to have lots of free time on her hands, even with practicing and such. For example, she has a stack of romance manga that is 2 ft. tall, of the ones she has already read; there are more to come actually. Min Neul also currently has 28,469 tweets on her Twitter, and she has only had this account for ten months. She also takes this time to learn how to bake sweets the way she is directed, and then her own refined way which she shares with friends because of the amazing taste!

The biggest reason why Min Neul has never had a boyfriend, is because she intimidates boys a lot. She is always so cold towards the one she likes, when it comes to revealing her feelings. She's completely unaware of the type of attitude she has left for them to think of her, but only because she tries so hard to hide her feelings. She's afraid of rejection.

Min Neul is actually kind and comical though! She's the moodsetter in the group, and the main source when others come to hang out with them. Everyone likes her the way she is, since how she sometimes acts is pretty funny. When you're down, Min Neul will purposely run into a wall, or fall just to make you laugh. Everyone relies on Min Neul to cheer them up, since she always tells the intelligent words of their sitaution and why they should get stronger.

You're going to want to meet someone like Min Neul because of her qualities.
background: Min Neul always had family issues with her parents, and was always hurt emotionally by a majority of people. Amazing friends was like an escape from home, but as soon as she got back to the hellhound, the tears formed. Nobody has ever understood Min Neul. Ever. Her likes, habits, her attitude to the person she likes, and her reasons. Nobody has ever understood, but she always hid it in some form.

Min Neul was actually a queenka of her high school, but she always kind and the type of girl you want to hang out with. She always had a great time at school. 

Music was also another escape from family. She would sneak into the school's band room after hours, and actually get some improvement done with her musical talent.

  • Romance manga
  • Baking
  • Internet access
  • Coffee
  • Fun times with friends
  • Solving problems
  • Rainy days
  • Sheet forts
  • Bubble Tea


  • Not being able to sleep in someone's arms
  • Windy days
  • No rest
  • When everyone is upset
  • Spiders
  • Arrogance
  • Rude people
  • Weird foods
  • Obnoxious couples


  • opening too many tabs when on the internet
  • saying things under breath when ticked off
  • rolling on floor when bored
  • staying in the same position when sleeping
  • apologizing too much
  • calling her person of interest an "idiot"


  • reading manga
  • baking

trivia: -Min Neul always had at least one failing grade in academics since middle school -She use to be able to use her chest voice and sound like a guy in middle & high school -Always liked bunnies, never got a pet bunny.


✶ we are family

family members: Park Young Jae | 48 | father | alive | Accountant in America , Diane Park| 47 | mother | deceased | N/A, Park Jae Ryeong| 20 | sibling | alive | student at UCSD
family background: They always had problems with Min Neul, and werea bit relieved when Min Neul became a trainee and moved to South Korea. They live by their own ways and traditions, and are always nice and protective over each other.
friends: (maximum is 5. name | age | group/oc | occupation | 1 - 10. at least one oc) Ryeowook | 24 | Super Junior | member of SJ, Amber | 20 | f(x) | member of f(x), Krystal | 18 | f(x) | member of f(x) Hinano Sakamoto| 19 | oc | Student at UCLA 
best friend(s): Jun Akane | 19 | oc | Student at UCLA
rival: Taeyeon | 23 | SNSD | She never really liked Min Neul. It's just Taeyeon's immature side showing; she always despised Min Neul. Min Neul secretly dislikes Taeyeon as well, and is trying her hardest to be better.


 till the end

trainee days: Awkward and stiffy. Min Neul always felt awkward among the group of trainees. The stiffy atmosphere made everything worse which resulted her into being shy.
years of training: 5
stage name: N/A

[ ] main rapper, main dancer.
[ 3] vocalist, lead dancer.
[1] sub-dancer, lead vocalist.
[ 4] vocalist, lead rapper.
[ 2] sub-dancer, main vocalist.
[ 5] sub-lead vocalist.

persona: Agressive Princess
fanclub name: Bubble Bunnies OR Bunny Kingdom
fanclub color: #ff3333

side: Korean


✶ together, forever

love interest: Baekhyun
his personality: 
He's kind and joyous, and has his perks too. He's a total social butterfly and loves making friends! His touch of charisma on his overall personality makes him a special person. He's an awesome friend towards Min Neul and puts up with her coldness.  He's just a great piece of bacon in general! He's just a great person in general!

back up love interest: Chanyeol
his personality: He's bright and positive. A very cool one indeed. He's kind and generous, and everyone pretty much likes him. He's energetic as well, but sometimes having too much energy can result into taking risks. All in all, he's a cheerful person!


✶ we'll say our farewell here

song ideas?: *Sorry, Please Wait - A song about loosing your loved one. You're sorry for the small flaw that was unintentional, and would like them to stop walking away and wait for you. *C A N Dy - A random song about sugar-y foods and how the group's charm is a sweet as candy.
comments/questions: N/A
scene request: JUST IN GENERAL there has to be a love triangle, I don't care between which member and who, JUST A LOVE TRIANGLE TO MAKE ME SOB PLEASE.



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