Running for Time || Baek Eunjae







Born with albinism, Eunjae has unusually pale skin and naturally light hair that she keeps short and shaggy. Her slightly chubby cheeks and soft dreamy smiles contribute to her almost childlike appearance, but her blank stares tend to be unnerving. Her nails are often stained dark with the poisonous mixtures she concocts, acting as her final defense should she land in enemy hands without any of her weaponry since she has no issues with scratching her way free.




contact information

username: kissychuu
at your service~


who are you?

name: Baek Eunjae


Born with albinism, Eunjae was both looked down upon and feared by many wherever she went. While her vastly different appearance aroused disgust, people were also wary of her, believing Eunjae to have been touched by the supernatural and potentially possessing magical powers. Even though no one directly hurt Eunjae due to paranoia of the consequences of attacking that "ghost-child," it did not mean that she was safe from discrimination and malicious whispers. Eunjae developed a dislike for crowded places because of the judgmental glares she'd often receive, preferring to stick close to her sister and the rest of the girls, or avoiding strangers altogether unless she wanted or needed something from them.

Not wanting Eunjae to grow up internalizing the hostility directed at her for her appearance and thinking of herself as a “freak,” Eunjae’s sister filled her mind with stories and tales instead…after they’ve undergone some minor modifications, that was. The monsters and dragons of lore were not villainous, they were simply misunderstood, like Eunjae was—nor were they ever slain, because they fought back and killed when provoked, like Eunjae must learn to do. Since young, Eunjae was told she was special, and together their names would someday be spread far and wide—so long as Eunjae didn’t let the words of others affect her and she protected herself at all costs.

By the time Eunjae was old enough to realize their lifestyle was anything but typical, again her sister sheltered her from their traumatic experience by substituting it with a story, knowing Eunjae would barely remember what happened and hoping that whatever unpleasantness did linger in Eunjae’s memories would ultimately be replaced by her tales. Although Eunjae understood somewhere in the back of her mind that her sister was avoiding her questions, she didn't protest—after all, Eunjae liked her sister's stories, and whose judgment could she trust if not her sister's?


Eunjae grew to be a dreamer, often getting lost in the fantasies she was fed. Sometimes she even confuses reality with the things going on in her head—when looking back on her past, it isn’t difficult for memories to be overshadowed by stories she heard or created for herself. All the stories swimming in her mind made her curious of the unknown and extremely superstitious. Generally quiet and soft-spoken, Eunjae should not, however, be taken lightly—she epitomizes silent but deadly. Having taken her sister’s words to heart, Eunjae honed the medicinal arts she picked up from her father’s journals so she could not only patch herself up when hurt, but also use them in the offensive. There’s a subtle difference between benefit and danger when it comes to medicine, and Eunjae made good use of that, demonstrating her resourcefulness and adaptability. She is a survivor and quick to respond to situations, owing to her tendency to react mechanically rather than emotionally. Unfortunately, the problem with acting without thinking the actions through properly is the huge potential for regret once everything sets in—not that Eunjae dwells on regrets. Instead, she unconsciously avoids anything that disturbs her ideal by rewriting them to fit what she prefers.


1. legends / folklore / fantastical stories
2. fruit jams
3. night time


1. sunlight / getting sunburned
2. places with lots of people
3. self-pity


1. carries a dream-catcher with her everywhere so she'll always have it to hang over her whenever and wherever she sleeps


1. listening to stories and mentally rewriting them to fit her preferences

preferred weapon: 

1. (acupuncture) needles

Eunjae wears a leather wristband around each wrist as holders to keep her needles on her at all times. She is better at close hand-to-hand combat, especially because she can swiftly determine and attack pressure points, but will also scratch and bite if necessary. Although she can throw her needles as if they were darts, they may not sink deeply enough to be effective depending on distance. Aside from stunning or paralyzing her opponents, her needles double as a means of alternative medicine.

2. poison

Eunjae collects her own materials to concoct her poisons and mixes them in a variety of forms. From powders to slip into food and drink, to little bottled liquids to throw or spray, she carries her collection in her knapsack that hangs by her side...except for her deadliest creation to date, which is stored in a vial that hangs from her necklace as if it were a simple pendant, and is being saved for hopeless circumstances.

who you would like to be with: Lee Sungyeol


I'd like to be chosen because this seems like a really exciting story to be a part of. There aren't many action-themed apply fics, much less for Infinite, so I want to see how this plays out OuO;; And I like to think I created a unique OC that would fit the plot, LOL. Anyways, have fun choosing applicants and writing the story author-nims!!



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hey! i really liked your app ^_^
i love how its unique from all the others.
also, your last name (and that of mine, baek yoojin) are the same, and so you may play the part as yoojins younger sister~