OMO I Found Tatsuya On asianfanfics! :3

I have this friend from Japan called Tatsuya, although he's from Japan he can also speak English very well! I just found him on asianfanfics! I was soooo shocked when i found him (okay technically he found me)



I always said that he is the spitting image of Koike Teppei (aka Take from Gokusen) When he was in england we watched Gokusen together with my friend Amy on her laptop! It was so much fun! We all stay in touch which is really good, but i was so shocked when i saw him on asianfanfics. His creative writing and scripting is really good so i recomend to all of my friends that they read his fanfics! When i say that he looks like Koike Teppei i mean they could be identical twins!

Love you guys! :3 Please add him, his user name is Tatsuya_Dragon


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Haha awesome~!
I'll add him, I wanna get to know him :3