Audition...? [Just 3 or 4 f words]


Warning: If you're impatient, don't read. Because it's gonna be long. If you're my real life friend, I hope you don't read too.

Let's start.


Audition? What audition?

SM Entertainment . TS Entertainment.


Look, I'm not some desperate that just wants to get into the agency to see their oppars kay. Yes, I want to audition. No, I don't care if I fail. Have you heard about IU? She failed 20 auditions. I can fail up to 100 auditions. 


Why am I choosing this career path?

Because performing is my life. Do you guys know the feelings when you're on stage? Whenever I perform on stage, regardless whether I'm singing or dancing, regardless of the amount of people watching, regardless of how grand the stage is, I always get this feeling that I can do well. It's amazing. I can't describe the feeling properly. 


Do I have the experience in the performing area?

Yes. Of course. I've sang more than thrice on stage. I've danced in front of thousands of people before. Well, I've got the most dance performances though. I swear I performed dance more than 20 times in my life and I'm 13 only. otl. 


What do you have to be an idol?

The spirit. As long as it has something to do with performing, I never gave up. Have you ever experienced being stepped on the feet with boots so you can do a point? You should have seen the scene, the scene where many people were just screaming the lungs out, crying their eyeballs out. What was I doing? I was enduring the pain. I had to keep the pain in. My teachers, the china coaches, doesn't see the training process, but the results. NO. Don't you ing say they just abused us. There's something called "No Pain, No Gain". I've experienced things worse than this. I've damaged my bone when my mum stepped on me, forcing me into a split. (well, I didn't do spilts for a year so I lost the skill, i regretted for not being hardworking enough in the past) No, I don't blame her. I thank her instead. So what if my bone is damaged? I did a split and that's all that matters.


Your skills or talents?

I don't think I need to mention dance. Kay anyways, besides dance, I can rap. I can rap perfectly to Hwayoung's Day By Day, Baro's Baby I'm Sorry. I'm doing Yongguk's rap in I Remember now. Uh, you must be thinking how about vocals? I admit my vocal isn't like IU, heck, it isn't even like Sulli's to begin with. I actually felt discouraged by my friends. Whenever I sing, they either think I'm joking or they'll ask me to shut up. the . Are you a friend? tsk tskk.


Face? Looks? Visual?

I don't know. Lol. I'm not pretty nor am I ugly. I'm asian, korean name, 13 years old, 49kg, 163cm. 



To my real life friends: tsk tskk. if you're reading this, you probably read everything above this. it's okay. nevermind. laugh at me all you want. it's okay. lol. I've got insulted more than 100 times in my life. lmao. I swear I won't hate you or curse you.


To others: uh.. I don't know. Thanks for reading till this point? Lol. Oh and if you guys know how to audition for TS, do let me know! Damn TS for having some renovation thing at the official site ):< Oh well, ask me any questions if you're doubting me if I can take the toughness in trainings.
Sorry if I sounded rude in thos blog ):


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All e best!!!!! fighting!!!!! never let ur spirit die!!!
shining_writer #2
" NO. Don't you ____ing say they just abused us. There's something called "No Pain, No Gain""

People forget "No Pain, No Gain" these days.

Just wanted to add on to that, lol.
Fighting chinguya! ^^
Your real life friends in AFF, will support you if they are TRUE. And, i saw some of them below. Lucky that you have true friends! I WILL SUPPORT YOU!
shining_writer #5
The spirit, you do have the spirit.

What kind of dances do you dance? New jazz or hip hop?
good luck :)
your friends will always support you
you have the perfect aspects of an idol
you should try your best and not let criticsm let you down :P

could you post videos of you singing or dancing or even a photo of yourself?
I'm proud of you for your spirit and that you're mature enough to realize it's more than meeting your favorite idols and marrying them like 90% of auditioners are.
I'll be happy to support your dream! :D
To be honest, I don't think many entertainment companies are accepting online auditions, unless they specify. I know that Cube had global auditions a couple of times recently so you can check that out. TS is a great company because they seem to manage their artists very very well.
Do you have any videos of you dancing or singing? I'd be happy to critique if you want.
The most important thing is UNIQUENESS. You can be good at singing, dancing, rapping, looking pretty, etc. But what's more important is that you're AMAZING at one thing rather than alright at all. Make the judges realize you're not just another auditioner. You're THE performer.
Whatever you need, I'm going to help you along the way because I admire stronghearted people like you <3 hit me up if you need help!
First of all.
I admired your spirit. I dont care about the company that you wanted to go in.
Just go to whatever you like, and i want you to know that i'll always support you!
please believe that i'm all sincere in this! :DD

sorry, is it too long? /slapped
oh, wait? Are you a Korean? :D