So I'm dying, remember? Like yesterday was so bad, I passed out, threw up, I was dizzy I haven't ate in 3 days.. blahhh. Just everything is wrong with me. Lucky I've been off for the past 2 days. Unfortunately, I have to work tonight.

I don't know if that's gonna happen cause when I get up I get dizzy & throw up acid. I already have a sore throat so it hurts like a biiiiiiitch!

Anyways, my mom was like "don't even think about going to work! I'm taking you to the doctor" & then when I attempted to argue back in my frog like voice she told me it was my fault for not taking care of myself.

THE WORST PART GUYS IS: My internet is back on so you'd think I can update my stories since the computer is in my room right?

How wrong you are my fellow JongKey/2min/EunHae/OnTae shippers. Because:

A. My body doesn't have the strength to reach for the keyboard.

B. My mom unplugged the internet connection thing till I get better.

EVEN WORSE: I thought of a great freaking idea today for JongKey & I can't type it up. Hopefully I'll remember it cause I just wrote it in my head.

On a happy note: Onew's birthday<3 My baby! & JongKey said they can't describe their relationship [publically!] Aka, they're dating. So uhm, in your face MinKey, JongTae shippers.



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