What does it mean??

Okay, so this is about our 1year old German Shepard mix. Her name is Krystal ( yes I know) .  Well everytime she goes to my bedroom, she is playful and kind, but this one time which was today, when I took her to my room, 10 minutes later, she started growling and looking at me. Then barking!!! She started barking at my kpop posters then went to my door. She barked at my door and then she climbed at my bed and started barking. Then she stopped and looked around my walls then looked at my ceiling, 2 minutes later she started barking at my ceiling then looked at me and barked again......

I am afraid that there is something paranormal...

is it??


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henheaFTW #1
Well one is just this one time? Or has it occurred randomly more than once?
I cant say anything about it though but i once had a cat it kept meowing at the wall for no reason and started to scratch the door .. mayb u should tell your parents about it ..