Stolen from Babymyung <3


Hey, there!

Real name: Holly S. Ishiki

Nicknames: Holls. Hollums. HollyBerry. Bubbles. Ishiki-san. Coconut.

Birth date: Dec. 1993.

Height: 164 cm

Weight: would you like my social security too?

Original hair color: Dark brown.

Eye color: Dark brown.

Peircings: 2 and more coming!


I like you!

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite drink: H2O

Favorite food: Sushi! and anything that will make my eyes water and tongue burn.

Favorite season: Spring!


I hate you!

Least favorite color: ....puke green?

Least favorite drink: Pepsi or Coke

Least favorite food: Buloot

Least favorite season: I LOVE THEM ALL! Except summer in Korea T.T


I'm good... Or bad.

My duties at home: Keeping the bathroom clean, trash.

My duties at school: ??? I'm in college....???

My duties outside of school: Being a good person? IDK? What kind of question is this?

My attitude at home: Lazy...lethragic...some times a little insane.

My attitude at school: Happy and energetic

My attitude outside of school and home: The same...I'm pretty much the same everywhere I go. Some times I'm a little quite if I'm new or not sure.


I'm an artist!

Skills: Singing?...I can...remember what people wear all the time.

Hidden talent: Dude...I don't know? Makeup...maybe

Drawing: somewhat decent

Singing: Pretty okay. I can bust out a high note if I need to...and yes I don't sound terrible.

Rapping: I'm working on it.

Any other: Uh, does jewelry making count?


I'm not supposed to.

What were you doing before this: Writing

What are you supposed to be doing: Nothing

What were you thinking when you saw this blog title: Oh...sounds like fun cause I'm really bored and it's 1 AM

What were you thinking when you did this blog: -.-


My type.

Boyfriend ideal type: Funny. Likes to SMILE! Lovers me fur mee! Share similar goals in life. Loves kids (cause I want 5. I know I'm crazy). Dresses decently. Can at least cook so he won't die when I'm not around. My best friend!

Friends ideal type: Honest, but don't hurt me!

Teachers ideal type: Funny, chill, organized, happy.

Myself ideal type: I love me. I wish I were a little more motivated some times, but that comes with my will. And a little less ADD so I could do my homework properly, and definitely less procrastination.



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