F(4) - Oneshot Request

Username: Haekyung

One-shot plot: The two are best friends - friends since childhood and friends ever since. But, when the two grow older by age, they start to become a little bit distant. Now, the only thing that keeps the two together is the one thing that brought them together!.. Pranks. Pranks, yes, pranks. Everyday of every moment, one will prank the other, just to see who could suprass who, and in what. Whether it be a practical joke, a prank call, or a whoppie cushion, the pranks are endless and never stop. It's just prank vs prank vs prank. But, when the pranks get a little too out of hand, and their other friends think otherwise. So, what do they do? They pair them up! If they can't bare serperation, then might as well put the two together as lovers! UGH- Anything to keep them from pranking..

Characters: Lee Gaeun (OC) + Zelo and rest of B.A.P

Scenes you want included: Random prank scenes; a scene where B.A.P are fed up when their "mission" fails.

Extra: HELLO- SORRY FOR SUCH A LAME STORY-PLOT. IF IT BORES, YOU CAN GO AHEAD AND BANISH IT, AND I'LL MAKE ANOTHER ONE. :'D AISLUFGASLF-- I dunno if it's even an interesting topic, but it's been on my mind for a while, and I wanted to try it. e v e;;
I guess this oneshot is suited to be fluff and comedy- so.. yeah. Hahahaa.. I'll request again, if I need to. Huur. ;orz



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