NU'EST feels everywhere~ K-pop lovers live fan account

So I just got back from seeing NU'EST in Tokyo, Japan! I couldn't make it to both shows because of class, but ajsnkjng I can't believe I was actually there. To start off the night, a bunch of fans were handwriting messages on white t-shirts to give to all the members, so I wrote a message to all of them as well on the shirts!!! Some messages I wrote in Japanese, some in Korean, but most in English.

I made a lot of friends, and met some people who liked INFINITE as well~

The concert was...amazing. The first k-pop concert I've been to, and while I wish I had been able to see more (being at the back and 144cm tall is not a good thing in a crowd of thousands), I could still see a lot of the concert on TV screens. It was INCREDIBLY personal space at all and screaming fans all around, but hey, we're all there for the same thing right?

They started off with FACE, and then after they introduced themselves in Japanese (omg they're so cute! And their Japanese is actually pretty good!) I don't remember the order of the songs, but eventually it was the talk session. Each member was asked to say something in Japanese, most of them all said '愛してるよ~、 though Ren said 大好き大好きです~ Ahaha and Minhyun couldn't express himself in Japanese, so he just said it in Korean. Then they were asked to dance to Orange Caramel's Lipstick - which Minhyun, Ren and Baekho did while Aron and JR pretty much facepalmed. Ren was SOOOOOO cute doing it omg <3 And Baekho looked like he wanted to be anywhere other than there :P. They then brought up the question of 'if you were a girl, which one of the members would you date?" Right away, Aron roped Baekho into saying him, Minhyun mentioned JR but was also roped into the Aron love, and then Ren thought for a while and chose Aron. The translator laughed at the amount of Aron love, and Aron cutely kept saying '愛してる”  in this high pitched voice. He then said 'I love you too Minki' in Korean, and Ren got really embarrassed, especially when the camera focused on him and you could see his ears turn red! (I'm not exactly sure of Ren and Minhyun's responses since it was hard to hear)

At this point they drew the ticket numbers for each of the member's presents to the fans. And one of the girls that I met and became friends with at the concert got Aron's!!!! I was so happy and yet so jealous at the same time.

Then they began singing again, including a solo for Baekho and a rap-duo song for JR and Aron. At the end of the concert they went away for a while, and after a few minutes of all of us chanting "NU'EST" they came back and performed FACE again, only this time without chairs and they were generally being silly. This is the time when they released a lot of multi-coloured balloons from the ceiling. I got one, but by the time I left it was covered in dirt and hair, so I decided to just enjoy that I had one and not take it home with me. They had put on concert t-shirts and Aron had this cute hat with flaps. They all did some last aegyo for the fans, and it was just all so cute!

During the concert they also played various videos on the screen, of them wrapping their presents and practising for the concert as well as little thank you messages for all of the Japanese fans. The videos were subtitled in Japanese so we were able to understand it. Before the end of the concert, they decided that they wanted to take a picture with all of the fans! Now, I was at nearly the very back, but one of the friends I was with was nearly a head taller than everyone else there, so she stuck her hand up very high, so I'm excited to see if I can find her (and my short hand beside her) in those photos when they come out.

When the concert was over, those of us on the first floor standing area had to wait a while, but eventually we were able to go out and to the high-five event - which is exaclty as it sounds! All the NU'EST members line up and you get maybe like...2-5 seconds to high-five/link hands with them and say something quick! The order was Baekho, Ren, Minhyun, JR, and Aron. (First of all...omg they're all so tall! And so good-looking in real life!)

Baekho: Saw that I was short and he bent down to high-five me! So cuuute <3
Ren: I kind of mumbled something unintelligble korean/Japanese/whatever language came out at that point, and he said thank you to me in English. (But Ren is stupidly pretty in real
Minhyun: He looked really suprised to see a foreigner there, but he said thank you in Japanese and smiled. Who am I kidding they were all smiling~
JR: He was also really surprised to see foreigners, but he was so cute and thankful! And when he high-fived, he wrapped his fingers around your hands and it was like akjgnlkdjng feels.
Aron: Now Aron is my bias, so I was SUPERLY excited to meet him. He also did the hand-wrapping thing a bit, and I embarassingly burst out "Aron, I love you!" in English to him. He laughed and smiled and said thank you in English~ I really meant to word it more elegantly, but with the coordinators pushing you through the line quickly, you don't have much time to do anything other than blurt out your feels.

I'm still sitting here now only an hour later, and I can't believe I was there and that it happened. Everytime a girl left the concert hall, all you could hear were screams and general nonsensical noises and expressions of happiness, from us included. I'm in that mindset of I never want to wash my hands and omfg I can't believe I met and high-fived them all and omfg akldjfnlgkjn


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AkunoMusume #2