Sillyness Overload

Silly #1

This Keeper needs to print some colored documents and it's cheaper to just go to a computer shop than buying my own ink. (I am cheap right now lol. A student with 0 source of income.) And so, that what's I did.

All of a sudden, the strangest thing happened. Someone said my name.


Eyes wide and body stiff, my mind went on overload.What did... Who... How... Oh no.

It didn't help that the shop is filled with posters of kpop artists (sample prints) with SHINEE blasting in the background.

I decided to play it cool and keep a straight face, as if I didn't hear a person IRL call me by my nickname here in AFF. I shifted my gaze to the monitor.

Right smack in the middle is the word 'Keeper'.

My usb drive is named 'Keeper'.

OTL. I forgot.

It was the first time I heard the word spoken. Keeper xD

Silly #2

While waiting outside the cinema, my sister made me realize that indeed, humans never get contented. We would always want what we don't have. She was telling me all the merits of my course and job. Especially the monetary benefits. "If I had known, if only someone told me, I could have chosen a more practical course."

I wanted to smack my head because I kept silent. I should have told her that honestly, I want to have what she has. The training and experience of a writer. The freedom to do what she wants. The courage to say 'no' to our parents.

I would write stories and would never care about money because I am happy with what I'm doing.

I should have reminded her of her dream. And not settle for anything less...just for practical reasons. God will bless us as we walk in our dreams because He placed those dreams in us. Yes, there are detours. And right now, we find ourselves stuck in a strange place we never imagined being in. But I believe all roads will eventually lead us to our dreams.

Silly #3

I finally know what I want for Christmas. I also have the amazon gift certificate to purchase it. Plus, it is in stock.

Wacom Bamboo Capture Pen and Touch Tablet CTH 470.

USD 91.77! Weee! I have USD 120. Perfect!

^_________^ My smile can't stretch any wider.

Unfortunately, Amazon doesn't ship the item to my address OTL

-_________- This isn't happening.

(I was supposed to name this blog, Triple S part 2. But then decided against it as kpop fans might be fooled by it. You should know by now that fangirling and spazzing in blogs aren't my hobbies. I do blogs...once in a while.)



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lol! That's hilarious!
eonni's so cute! lololol
last time someone said my aff name i died laughing..
(because of all the pronunciation errors)
^^ /hugs

eonni's so cute! lololol
last time someone said my aff name i died laughing..
(because of all the pronunciation errors)
^^ /hugs

1.LOL.. heart drums so fast you can outrun it.. have to be careful next time..
2. yes we always want what we do not have. I agree.
3. amazon can't ship in your location? but why?? Can you try shipping it via school address? I think it can work out that way.
that first one, made me smile
the second one, I hope you get to do what you really like in life
the third one, I'm happy for you that you'll get something you like, but I hope it can be delivered soon