Personality Test!


Complete the questions before referring to the answers below. (cr. Weibo)


1. If it's almost the end of the world, and you're only able to save one animal, which animal would you save?

a. Rabbit   b. Goat   c. Deer   d. Horse


2. During your travel to Africa, you were allowed to pick one animal to bring back as souvenir, which animal would you pick? 

a. Monkey   b. Lion   c. Snake   d. Giraffe


3. You committed a sin. God punished you to turn into an animal other than human, which animal would want to become?

a. Dog   b. Cat   c. Horse   d. Snake


4. If you have the ability to make one animal vanish, which animal will you pick?

a. Lion   b. Snake   c. Crocodile   d. Shark


5. One day, you meet with an animal that can talk human language. Which animal do you hope it will be? 

a. Goat  b. Horse   c. Rabbit   d. Bird


6. In a deserted island, you're allowed to pick an animal to accompany you. You'll pick...

a.Dog   b. Others   c. Cow   d. Bird


7. If you have the ability to conquer all animals, which animal will you pick as a pet?

a. Dinosaur   b. White Tiger   c. Polar Bear  d. Panther


8. If you're given 5 minutes to become one animal, which animal will you pick?

a. Lion  b. Cat   c. Horse  d. Pigeon













1. Which type of people attracts you in real life?

Rabbit - Someone with a split personality, a cold outer appearance with a fiery passion inside. 

Goat - Looks highly on obedient and warm person

Deer - Elegant and well-mannered person

Horse- A person that's not bound by promises and towards freedom

2. Which kind of love tactic captures you?

Monkey- A creative and innovative person, one that won't make you feel bored.

Lion - A straightforward and honest person, one that will tell you straight that he loves you. 

Snake - A person with an unstable mood, at times cold at times warm.

Giraffe - A person that's patient, won't give up on you forever. 

3. What kind of impression do you wish to present to your lover?

Dog - Loyal and honest, forever unchanging. 

CatSomeone with personality/style

Horse - Carefree

Snake - Can get along well

4. The type of personality you hate the most, the thing that causes you to break up with your lover:

Lion - Your lover is arrogant and conceited, presenting a dominating image, making you very angry.

Snake - Emotional. Too happy or too angry, abnormal, makes you not knowing how to handle/comfort him.

Crocodile - Cold blooded and loves to attack/insult at people. 

Shark- Insecure and unreliable

5. You wish to establish what kind of relationship with your lover?

Goat - Both of you don't have to talk a lot. Communicating through the heart, the other will naturally know what you want

Horse - Both of you can talk about anything, absolutely no secrets.

Rabbit - a kind of relationship that will always let you feel warm and loved.

BirdYou and your lover will not only care about the present, but also concern about the future, a kind of long term relationship where you can grow together

6. Would you have an affair?

DogYou look highly upon society and moral rules and customs, after married you would definitely not commit such fault.

Others - You could not resist temptation, very high possibility to cross the line.

Cow - You won't take the initiative, but also won't refuse, but you will work hard not to get tempted to do so. 

Bird- You have never been very strong and determined. You're not suitable for marriage, you don't like making promises.

7. What's your thoughts on marriage:

Dinosaur - You're very demotivated. You don't belive in the existence of a happy marriage

White Tiger- You find marriage to be a very sacred thing. Once you're married, you will very much appreciate the marriage and your partner

Polar Bear - You're afraid of marriage. You feel that marriage will take away your freedom. 

Panther - You have always wanted to get married. But in truth, you don't know what marriage really is. 

8. Your thoughts on love as of this moment:

Lion - You're always craving for love. You're willing to do anything for love, but you won't easily fall into the love trap. 

Cat- You're very much a self-centered person. you feel that love is something you can easily get and give up on. 

Horse - You don't wish to get chained by a stable relationship, you just want to flirt around.

Pigeon - You feel that love is a promise made together by two people. 

Well....that was weird!!! O_O !


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