Donation needed

Announcement, I would want to know if there's anyone who's willing to donate..

What: Karma Points

For who: Lei/Melissa Lee

Why: Because my fingers are clumsy

Where: here on aff




















.I don't know




.but who knows? if you post a comment, 10 Karma points donate to ChangeUsername by (enter your username)

I might receive your donation


I'm in despair

I'm in need.











For those who are wondering what the heck I'm talking about, check out my previous blog post.





Melissa Lee



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Why not just karmawhore...
unnie, i think you should just spam my blog post? let me help you then, i'll make a blog post now, titled as, spam box for LeiCuteAko [ChangeUsername], and u spam it, how about that? seriously wanna help u. :p
lol you can't donate karma points XD just go on a comment craze on blogs and stories?
fickyz #4
I want to donate my karma to you...<br />
I'll find how to donate~
Ate Lei, di ata pwede 'yun. Hehe. :D<br />
<br />
My comment + 10pts, sana! XD <br />
<br />
haha. :)