Snowvaniilla ❈ Christmas One-Shot Contest ❈


❈ Christmas One-Shot Contest ❈
Kon'nichiwa Minna San~ ehh.. 
First of! Thank you for taking time to view this contest and would like to quickly inform you that this is not my contest or own any properties that goes with it!~ 
I'm gladly like to inform that this contest will be all thanks to Mai chan at the end of the day^^ You may have across her trough Winglin or her own blog! She writes good fiction and makes amazing Graphics!
And so this is how the contest will go;
December, time of Christmas! Santa! Snows! And new year at the end! But never forget the thought if love, sharing and warmth too! Because Mai chan is holding a contest to those J.E fan worldwide! 
Yes! Worldwide!~ Mai chan will be accepting Graphics or Short One shot Fiction with any J.E actor,singer and etc... With your own OC,  MC & FC! Of course, The fiction or Graphic will be around at the event of December! Seem interesting no? 
Here are some rules; 
*  Your story must NOT have "To be continued"
*  Your story be 100% original
*  Your boy character MUST be from Johnny Entertainment, whether it's FC, OC or MC it's up to you
*  The setting must be around December
*  Please ask permission if you are under 18 before entering this contest because i need your mailing address to send out the prize
*  Only one entry per writer
*  Do not post them before everything is set
The winning Fiction or Graphics will, of course win a prize therefore ask for permission of your underage~ 
Contest starts: December 06 2012 [Mai's B-day ^^]
Contest ends: December 26 2012
Final answer: December  29 2012
And for more information, please visit;
And for a show of interested, to quickly apply, please visit;

+If you'd like to ask any further question with this contest, please submit your question into her website or just pass through my message here or leave it under the comment section and I'll be happy to pass it through her^^ Thankyou for showing interest! We hope to see your entry and have fun ^^


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aimerodi #1
@IchigoPrincessJass; well it can be long as long as it doesn't say to be continued :) -Mai chan
IchigoPrincessJass #2
Oh my! I want to join :3 how does she define a short one shot?