Welcome to seoul Pop/zundurhi


AFF NAME: zundurhi

AFF LINK TO PROFILE: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/43695NAME IN STORY:


AGE: 23

TEACHER OR STUDENT OR OTHER: 8th Year English teacher and Music teacher.

BIAS: Zico

PREFERED ZOBIE KILLING WEAPON: Violin Strings (from the violin I play)

NATIONALITY: Half Japanese half German

PERSONA: The red violin (because of the movie...it is really great)

HISTORY: She's the daughter of a German karate master. Her mother was a priestess and could feel and contact the shinigamis. Her father didn'y want Hitomi to be with him because he thought she wasn't good in karate, he was ashamed of her. Hitomi inherited the ability to feel death or bad things. Before she moved to Korea she fought against her father, he wanted to prove her she wasn't good. She lost and she found relief playing her violin, she was angry with herself and she played until her fingers bleed. After that she decided to move to Korea and try her luck. Her father didn't bother in saying goodbye. She didn't exist for him. Because she knew Japanese, English and German it was easy for her to find a job as a language teacher and with her violin well she can teach how to play and she uses it to kill... 


Mom: Koizumi Mei, priestess. They have a very good relation.

Dad: Strauss Oskar. Karate master. 




Her weapon:http://shakinglikeamountain.com/shaking/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/red-violin.jpg





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