I'm so stressful right now and still not really get rid of my very drunkeness last night so I guess doing this will somehow help me to relax.

:) Hope I'm not bothering any of you, my friends.

Stolen from WooUShippers  

List ten biases in no particular order, then answer the questions

1. YongGuk

2. Kris

3. DaeHyun

4. KiSeop

5. DongWoon

6. SungJae

7. HyoSung

8. MinHyuk

9. JuBee

10. JiWon


Q1. Who is the better dancer between 6 and 10?

Lol. None of them, I guess :) SungJae is a cute and awkward kid while JiWon is already a mature woman... How to compare them?


Q2. Does 5 happen to look like someone you know in real life/remind you of someone in real life?

No. It'll be daebak if I meet someone that as handsome as DongWoon in real life. LMAO I'll surely fangirl about him.


Q3. Amongst 3, 7 and 8. Who would you , who would you marry, and who would you date and why?

WTH? HyoSung is a girl and I can't do any of these things with her. I'm not a les! I'll date with both MinHyuk and DaeHyun :3


Q4. what if 1 and 9 are in a relationship?

YongGuk and JuBee? .... Hmm... sounds okay to me. But... Hell no. Please don't be in a real relationship!


Q5. what do 2 and 4 have in common?

Kris and KiSeop? :) They're both their groups' visuals. And they have their names both start from the letter 'K' lol.


Q6. If 6 and 8 were kidnapped by 3, who would do a better job of saving 6 and 8? You or 5?

If SungJae and MinHyuk were kidnapped by DaeHyun, of course DongWoon would do a better job of saving them because they're in the same agency :)) Lol wth is this question?


Q7. How did you come to like 10?

She's beautiful. I like her voice :3


Q8. iest person in this list that comes to your mind immediately

HyoSung :))))))))


Q9. Amongst these 10 people, if you had to choose one of them to be your father, mother, brother and best friend who would you choose?

Father: Kris :) He's such a good father

Mother: HyoSung or JiWon :3

Brother: DongWoon and KiSeop.

Bestfriend: DaeHyun and YongGuk ♥


Q10. Do you have a OTP in this list?

BangDae :3


Q11. If you were told to choose between 9 and 6?

SungJae vs JuBee... well, JuBee is a girl. =.= So it's SungJae.


Q12. If you were told to choose between 3 and 7?

DaeHyun vs HyoSung lol I told you I'm not a les so DaeHyun of course.


Q13. If you were told to choose between 8 and 5?

MinHyuk vs DongWoon... Sorry MinHyuk it's DongWoon :)


Q14. Worst personality out of the 10? Be honest, not everyone is a saint or angel after all.

I don't really know her personality :/


Q15. If 1 and 2 got into a relationship with a girl, which one would you be more jealous over?

Both omg they both are my ultimate bias (at this moment) T___T I have to try to control myself whenever I hear about BangSong...

And if Kris is in a relationship... URGH... How am I supposed to live?


Q16. If 4 wasn't a celebrity and wasn't famous and you passed by him/her in the streets, would you notice him/her?

Of course yes! He's a ulzzang OMG!


Q17. If you were to take number 5 and try to pair him/her up with his/her group members on this list (if its a solo, then someone else from the list), which one of them would be the most unlikely to be paired up with 5?

DongWoon... I don't think he'll fit with JunHyung :D


Q18. First name on this list that come to mind when you hear, 'badass'?

YongGuk :)) The king of the Bad People :))))


Q19. Which group on the list would number 2 most likely be a fan of if he/she wasn't a celebrity and was a Kpop fan? And what kind of fangirl/boy reactions would this person have?

B.A.P... I don't think hiphop is Kris's favorite kind of music. Or, maybe he is... (Some facts say that he's GD's fan). Lol thinking of Kris fanboying about GD or try to wear GD's style of fashion :))


Q20. Could you ship your best friend with 7?

haha... Shipping Ash with HyoSung. Gosh she'll like it :)


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