Belonging to One Another || Application Form


The Application


The Creator
Your Name: Sammy~!
Profile Link: here~
AFF Username: sammyBee
The Student
♪ The Student's Full Name: Kim Seohyun
Any Nickname/Title: Seo, Hyun-ah. (<-- mehehehe)
Age: 16
Appearance: 1-2-3
Back-Up Model: none.
Style: Seohyun... she borders on tomboy, but somehow manages to keep herself on the girly side of things. Usually seen in a skirt with a sleeveless top and cardigan (her staples). Also will never been seen without a bag, whether it be a small handbag or a pretty backpack.
Physical Description: Long, slightly wavy black hair and brown eyes. She can be recognised solely by her hair, which has stayed long since childhood.
Personality Description: Usually very demure and quiet, but speaks up when she feels the need to. She can unconsciously blunt with her words at times and can be aloof, which sometimes give people the impression that she is a total biatch. However, she does get attached to people she likes quite quickly, and will not hesitate to make another person feel welcome or included. 
Likes: Music is Seohyun's world. She grew up in a household of music and cannot imagine her life without it- it's really the only thing she likes. She's starting to pick up an interest in rollerblading, and is saving up for a new pair of rollerskates.
Dislikes: Seohyun hates when people act like they are higher than others, and also when they avoid others or questions. She also hates coffee- the taste, the smell, everything about it puts her off. 
Quirks: Has a sadistic streak. 
The Family
♪ Parents: Sulay (Suho and Yixing) | Pic
The Parents' Personalities: Suho is Seohyun's single father. He is a singer and a cellist who sometimes acts older than he really is. He is very protective of his only daughter but sometimes has days where he falls into a depressive state- usually these episodes are centred around events he has been through with his ex, Yixing. 
Yixing is Seohyun's other father. He lives with his current partner, Kris, and does not appear much in Seohyun's life anymore. He is the one who taught Seohyun how to play the guitar- a memory that he and Seohyun hold very dear.
Sibling: Baekhyun- older than Seohyun by four years. A college student who is very outgoing but often forgets to contact his own family regularly.
Other Relations: none at all~!
♪Any special scene requests: Hmmm, I want Seohyun to be introduced at a music festival of some sort when she meets another student- maybe showcase her bluntness and aloofness?
Questions for me, the author: None at all. :)
Password, please: iwanttofitin



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Hey! It's Quinnie here! So, i read over, and as Yii said, Lay IS taken as a parent. Now, you can either change it to Kyungsoo like you wanted, or (this is a temporary suggestion) you could have SuHo be a single dad and Lay be your birth parent, that doesn't live with you. It's... kind of like a scandal thing. Of course, this suggestion is pending, as I will have to make sure Yii knows about it also. ^^ thank you for applying!
Since Quinnie's not on right now, and I am, I'm just going to make a comment~

1. Seohyun's name is actually Seo Joohyun. So... is her real name in your application Seohyun, or Joohyun?
2. Lay is actually taken as a parent. ^^" So you'll need to change that. Sorryy~~
