is it wrong...

Okay, hello everyone :D this is my first blog ever since i made my aff account lol. At first i did not want to write blog here because idk what is this for lol. Ok ignore those bulls so.... I want to ask.. Is it wrong? A) being friendly with known-so-well authors meanwhile we never talk to them before? i mean.. i ever did that but then i feels like an idiot. its just like we know this person just now, then we say 'hi' to them like we know each others more than a year? is it wrong? because i'm scared if i did that again, they might annoyed by my attitiude ;---; B) asking someone to read or promote our or someone fanfiction? I am super dillema with this :( what to do omg. Someone ever asked me to read her/his fanfiction and i did. Thus, i ever ask someone too to read my ff (idk if they did read it or not). And then i feels like an idiot again dkabakalxoansphzoladalx. I asked them to read my ff.. Its not because i want them to subscribe or smth like that. I want to know their opinion about my story, maybe they can give me some advices.. Only that. Then about promote.. Is that a good thing to do? :< give me advices or answers maybe? :D thankyou baobeis <3 xoxo


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