SESTAL !!!! krystal talking about SEHUNNIE !!


ASDXASFCSVVHNBDFBFDB !! <-------- just found this video on yt !!! 


krystal is talking about sehunnie !! 


trans:(credit hgkim1966)

Krystal said that when they practised at night they get hungry but they're not allowed to order food or they get told off by their managers, therefore she asked a trainee who happened to be exo-k's Sehun to buy them 5 tuna kimbaps so he did but he got caught by f(x)'s manager, so that's like briefly what it's about


~~ i dont know why im so happy about this (_ _) am o overacting ?!


anyways ~~ ohgawdmyfeels ~


ok !! thats it !! just wanna share !! bubye !!




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sujushineegg #1
Sestal forever
Kekekekeke Sestal! <33