Okay, Like Seriously, I need some advice

Okay guys, I go to Club Volleyball because my season in school is over. I went to the same club for training over the summer and there was this guy in my group, his name is Ethan. Me and my friend had a little crush on him and we eventually got over it during the school year UNTIL I joined during the winter/spring season for volleyball. My friends are in another club and abandoned me while I'm a loner at my club. My eyes literally popped out when recognized Ethan and I started to have a crush on him. It's been going on for like a couple of weeks and my friends are like go ask for his number or ask for a picture so we can see his face. I am such a coward and I regret asking for it during the summer but HOW COULD I ASK FOR IT IF MY MOM WAS WATCHING ME?! My mother would go all berserk if she saw me talking to a guy she doesn't know. So I seriously need your help in what I should do. I wanna talk to him but I'm scared of like getting embarressed. Ethan is really good in volleyball and I swear he looks like Daehyun from BAP O_O


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Sarangine #1
Compliment him, tell him that he's a really good player, and ask him whether he could give you some tips... If your mom asks, tell her that he was giving you tips/advice...
It maybe old but guys really like the girl in need thing... Makes them feel special...
Thanks for all your comments guys...or girls, but the problem for me is actually approaching him when his team is surrounding him (and btw his team is made up of like 9-10 boys) gahhh, I'm sooo idk what the word is...frustrated?
BAP's Daehyun?! That is pretty cool ^_^ If your mom sees you talking to him...say that he's a pretty good volleyball player and that he was giving you tips on how to score better...Good Luck!
Daehyun from BAP?!?!
Lol jkay XD
Just casually hang out like small talk util you guys can talk comfortably. Then become BFFs and Marry :D
Lol sorry wasn't much help.
Ask him for it!!!!!!!!!!! You should~! If you feel awkward asking him for it or if you dont wanna tell him you like him yet then make up an excuse as to why you need his # if he asks....I know its an old trick in the book but you wont believe how well it works :D I wish you luck!!!!!!!!!
OMG Daehyun?! If your mom asks, you should just say he's a classmate or a new friend that you met in volleyball and that sometimes he helps you.