I can't even

I couldn't all day, I still can't. D: I am a person who is very up front and honest with people. If I know something isn't as it seems I will tell the person flat out. That can be a good thing at times but at others I tend to hurt people. I don't mean to, but I do. Siiiggghhhh* I hate it. Now I can't even draw D; why why whhhhyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! Drawing is one of the things that can calm my nerves, now I can't anymore DD: It's a lot like writers block. You get flowing and then you get blocked. I reaaalllyyy wanted to draw Taemin and Kamijo for Ji (Dream Amoung Stars) but they end up looking like other people 3 I can't draw...I can't write....All i can do now is sing and play my cello...... I CAN'T EVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Meow <3 It'll work out!