very thankful

(((Im writting from my tablet so this may come out weird or with some errors)))

I really just couldn't wait to thank those who have taken the time to read my fics. I am also super thankful to those that have either subscribed or added me as a friend.

My initial idea was to write some one shots for my friend. He really loves exo and its fun writing about the. Anyways, i might write more for some of them. It will probably all depend on the response i get.


Things to expect:

1. Im super nice and approachable! ( if you have suggestions or recommendations feel free to contact me)

2. I love all the love i get but I wont beg for comments. 

3. Im currently working on a longer fic with around 9 chapters. This will be a Sulay pairing fic because I love them so mych! (Since im off school already {yay college} i will be updating thus fic 2/3 times a week since the last Chapter will be a holiday one)


Thanks again!!!


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