Alphabet Survey! (Stolen from CodeBreakerJJ)

A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)- Single and unavailable..
B: Birthday- January 18
C: Crushing on- Does zelo count?
D: Drink you had last- milk
E: Easiest person(s) to talk to- probably dede :D
F: Favorite song- song jieun's going crazy feat byg
G: Grossest memory- that fcking uncle who drank fish blood in my face. fck omg.
H: Hometown- hk
I: In love with- zelo
J: Jealous of- secret. so beautiful, lovely and successful plus they are in tsfamily
K: Killed someone- mentally
L: Longest friendship- childhood friends, 15 years and counting!
M: Milkshake flavor- none.
N: # of siblings-  1 older brother.
O: 1 wish- bap to win best rookie
P: Person you last called- richelle
Q: ?'s you always ask- when is payday
R: Reason to smile- bap
S: Song last listened to- secret- talk that
T: Time you woke up- round 2pm, dont remember.

U: Underwear color?- black
V: Violent moment you had- always violent i swear
W: Worst habit- screaming when i see a new selca or video of bap............
X: X-rays you had-  nope
Y: Your last time you cried- on friday because bap didnt win best male rookie for mama2012.
Z: Zodiac sign- capricorn


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