This is it..

Um, hello to whoever is reading this. I'm just here to tell you that I will be leaving in 2 days.
I may or may not come back but I know that there will be a better Hyorin. 
Dongwook, Yubin, Zelo, Hyuna, Lay, Hyungseok, Sehun, Xiah and Yongguk, thank you for making me smile
everyday and I love you guys.
Dongwook : I love you, remember that.
Yubin : unnie don't be sad, nae? I'm sure the new Hyorin will be loving and caring too.
Zelo and Hyuna : my two wonderful babies, umma will always love you. Always be happy, arasso?
Lay : I'll miss you, aegi. But I guess the new Hyorin would be better than me.. *chuckles*
Hyungseok : I'll miss you the most since you're like a brother to me. Hyungseok-ah, always be happy with Tao, nae? *smiles* 
Sehun : Sehun-ah, noona is really sorry.. I said that I will never leave you but I did. I know, I'm a pabo. I'll miss you, Sehunnie.
Xiah : *sighs* I'm sorry for leaving, Xiah. But at least you have Gahi unnie *chuckles* You better take care of her, arasso?
Yongguk : I'm sure the new Hyorin would be much better than me. I tried to stay but then I thought about it too, if I stay longer I would be hurt. I hope your happy with your boyfriend. Just wait for him, okay? He will come back.

And to everyone else, thank you. I will always remember you all. *smiles a little and bows* 


[If you still want to talk to me, I will always be on my pa.. my username is DancingMachine_Veon]




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Lay_EXOM #1
Yahh!! Silly
I've told don't!!
....everyone is leaving. Now my pretty Unnie is leaving too.
I wish to leave
wae you leaving? ; A ;
MASTAH ; ^ ;
No! I don't care... If there is a new one.. I won't feel comfy with her like I feel comfy talking to you. But I won't hold onto you as well..
what's wrong??..
why are you leaving??..