☁ Legendary Travelers ☁ Yong Soah☁

the disgraced rebellious outcast






name tag 


☂ USERNAME : fluffy_clouds






☂ NAME : Yuki







ice statue 


❉ ULZZANG : Jung Roo

❉ PICTURES : ichi | ni | san | yon | go | roku | nana




❉ PICTURES : ichi | ni | san | yon | go | roku | nana




If people didn't know her better, Soah would have been mistaken for a Siren with her long copper brown hair, porcelain skin, deep set black eyes and long legs. Soah stands at 5'5" and has a more than generous amount of assets which she claims to get more in the way than assist her in her tasks.

- When she lived her life as a Mermaid underwater, she wore bras made from strong dried reeds which she'd accessorize either by painting it, stitching pearls or applying glitters all over it.

- She has silver streaks painted on her hair at the nape of her head, the mark of an outcast. She always ties her hair in a loose braid and never sets it free. The silver streaks can be seen here and there which creates an impression of her hair shimmering in the sunlight.

- She's almost always barefoot no matter where she walks and she always has this anklet around her left foot. It's a charmed item she got as a gift on her 10th birthday that turns whatever she's walking on into soft sand but the moment her step leaves that spot it changes back to what it was before. On days she wears shoes; she takes it off and ties in around her wrist.

- She wears loose tshirts and short shorts most of the times which accentuates her already long legs into looking even longer. She wears no accessories as she finds it restricting.

- On days she does wear dresses it's when she goes out to the shore to dip her feet. She knows her tail won't come back until she gets it back herself, her countless attempts at drowning herself is a proof of that. No matter what she still likes to believe that it will, once in a while.








when the day is on 


☀ NAME : Yong, Soah



☀ NICKNAME : The Witch | Because of her cunning nature & extortion ways.



☀ AGE : 19




Since she lives all alone, it's up to her to keep the house clean. She tidies it up every day in the morning. Then she tends to her gardens where she grows sustenance for herself. If she has any other chores besides that, she sees to it. Once or twice a week, she makes clothes for herself. After she's done her work for the day, she spends it by watching telly, reading books or sleeping. Often times in a week she goes out to the caves or shores to search for rare sea shells or marine items which she can sell or trade with the traders. Sometimes there are patients who come to her for treatment or people who want to get their fortune told which she kindly does so in exchange for a hefty sum of cash or something else of equally great importance.




She had gone up to the surface like every other time. When she reached the surface, she found the Red Guitarist drowning, struggling to stay afloat. As expected of the kind Mermaids, she'd rushed to him and brought him back safely to dry land.

When he asked her, what she'd want in return for saving his life, she'd refused saying that she didn't want anything. When he insisted she then just asked him to listen to her problems. When she told him about her more than often warring beliefs with her fellow mermen, how she was the black sheep in every group, she told him how she wished it wouldn't have been like that. Then he said he'd help her and took her tail, telling her that now she was free from all her troubles.

When she'd somehow reached home that day, her parents were horrified to see her and the rest of the people told her it was a curse from the Gods and deemed her an outcast never to come back to Gullia lest they wanted the Gods to be angry with them too for helping her.

Aftermath: When she first became an outcast, she was burned by self-hatred and loathing for her kind 24/7. The reason must be because they forced her to grow out from her innocence. No, she's not naive but she was innocent. Because they made her lose her rose-tinted view of the world, mankind, her fellow people itself, she cannot forgive them. Over the 3 years she learnt to not destroy herself with hate but to fill herself with indifference. She cared for them less than she did for her garbage. Though it's undeniable the fastest way to get under her skin is through the people of Guilla or the Red Guitarist himself. One moment she's calm and the next moment she'll have a knife pressed dangerously to your throat.




☀ WORLD : Guilla (Dollemoh)

☀ SELECTION : Mermaid (Puppeteer)








Weather forecast 


☁ STOLEN : Her tail, the very thing that defines her as a Mermaid.




Cold as the Frostelle and even more ruthless than the witches of Crowth, that's Yong Soah for you. She hardly smiles and after that incident she's yet to feel her heart. After what her kindness brought her, she's closed herself to the rest of the world. She doesn't trust anyone and wouldn't even help a dying man in need until she gets something priceless out of him. Yes, she's a bit of a sadist. No one understood her pain, no one understood what she had to go through and so she makes sure people around, the more innocent, the better, will suffer just as much as her to finally find it justifiable that what she came out to be was not her fault. Friendly but definitely not a people person. She doesn't put a fake smile to appear frank; it's her speech that insinuates that she's trying to put them at ease. But her so-called kindness also does come at a price.

Soah fears nothing, not even death itself, so she's grown reckless but certainly not stupid. Her lack of contact with people of her kind has deemed her to become blind and deaf as to who's who and what their status holds. But she does get interaction with travellers, pilgrims whom she comes across once in a while. They tell her her way of living is not acceptable in front of the eyes of God but its all good since she believes there is no God. This was one of the reasons why she was a sore thumb back in Guilla as well. The people back there were ready to believe in the existence of an almighty one who governed everything from above. Soah refused to follow their line of thinking. How could they trust someone so deeply whom they'd never encountered in their entire life before? For her there was no 'It just is.', she'd always want to find how it came to be. There had to be a science.

She's a rebel no matter where she goes. She won't take jacksh*t from anyone and keep quiet just because it's expected of her. She's more of the fist-over-words type, the type that believes "Lets bash his skull in and then think about an excuse." But you'll have to give her credit for the fool-proof & believable lie she comes up with. She's bold, loud and daring though that does not mean she'll fall stupidly for her opponent's traps. She was not like this before, she believed in keeping her thoughts to herself though she'd mention some of them, now and then which even though they were little were enough to cause a rift between her and her friends again. After what happened she's convinced she has no reason to keep it to herself just so others can live on with their pathetic lives ignorantly. Blunt and straightforward, she doesn't like to candy coat her words. She'd rather stay cooped up inside her house than go out unless she has to. She finds her own company more enjoyable rather than staying in the presence of others.

Despite all her dark, sadistic, irrational side, she's still a nice girl at the bottom of her heart. She often talks to the animals not because she's lonely but because she wants to hear her voice, she doesn't want to forget her language or what she's talking about. She trains some of the animals to steal food, items or fabrics she can't find on the island but she always remembers to leave a paycheck in its place. She always does a daily round on her island to see if there's anyone lost or adrift in the sea so she can save their lives, the extortion part comes later. She has a sense of humor and can take the bitter truth faster than the others though this must be the effect of her pessimistic nature. Unlike the other mermaids who are known for their agile minds who can easily come to accept the situation as it is, she's stubborn as a bull and refuses to back down. Also she has a way with her words. People don't exactly trust her, who can on their first meeting but somehow she manages to convince them to have faith in her words that she'll keep her side of the bargain and they do.





  • Meat | It's a rare delicacy and really yummy.
  • Being sadistic | For some reason, her humor switch is when that happens.
  • Dipping her feet in water and feeling the sand under her feet get washed away | It feels odd losing her footing yet at the same time peaceful since she's still standing at the end.
  • Cloud watching | It always gives her a sense of serenity watching them move freely.



  • Being hit on | She's not some piece of meat in a pack of hungry wolves and the lecherous look she receives is more than enough to make her want to bash his head with a stone.
  • Prejudice | Stuck-up much? It's time you got that stick out.
  • Loud noises | She's easily irritated by them. Since she has a sensitive hearing, it even more.
  • Irresponsibility | It's absolutely unforgivable when because of a single person, the whole team is jeopardized.


☁ FEAR :

  • Her kind heart | No matter what anyone says, it will still clench in pain and this exactly what she's afraid of. That someday, someone will discover her kind heart and then again she'll fall to the even deeper pits of hell.
  • Trusting others | She just can't. Even before she met the Red Guitarist she had always been weary of others. Trusting them meant opening up, putting out her emotions for the whole world to see just the thought doing so made her feel raw and from the inside.



  • Running | Since Mermaids are weak on land, she made it her top priority to turn her weakness into an advantage. So every day she runs, no matter how much it kills her.
  • Swimming | She tries to keep a track of how deep she can swim into the ocean.
  • Designing clothes | She has a really creative mind and the fabrics are her canvas.





  • Always washes her feet before going to sleep or else she can't fall asleep
  • Mutters 'brain freeze' under her breath when she gets an idea
  • When angry, counts to four; when very angry, starts tearing up, that's why she hates to lose it in front of other people



  • She hates being disturbed in her sleep.
  • She likes setting up traps around the island.
  • She hates losing, be it verbally or physically.
  • She doesn't like being bossed around.
  • She's always practicing to not make any sound with her footsteps at all, like a ninja. [OMG, this was horrible.]
  • The moment she sees someone, she already startsjudging them based on their looks, manners, way of speaking and all.






Written in Stone 



Yong Ill Woo | 50 | Father | Alive | A pure noble-blood, first in line to serve the royals, he's always thinking two steps ahead on how to always gain their favor and if possible be promoted to an even higher rank. Because he was always busy trying to maintain his wealth of fortune, he couldn't give proper attention to his only child, Soah. He would be playing horse with the royal princes while Soah would be at home dreaming about her father taking her family to the Underwater Park.

Yong Tsubasa | 45 | Mother | Alive | Unlike her husband she has no interest in tying herself to the royal family, she's content with what she has and doesn't intend to gain more. Soah would have gotten well with her had it not been for the fact that she always believed everything to be the doing of God and her narrow-minded ways of thinking. Moments where she'd be along to get with her mother is rare and quite treasured.

Despite the many knots in their relation, they did not want to lose Soah, she was their only child no matter the times they hadn't acted like she was one. But her father's fear of losing his honor and her mother's hypocritical belief in the Almighty, they had to abandon her. Fertility is no issue for Mermaids and exactly one year later after Soah being labeled an outcast, they had a new baby girl in their arms.


 LOVE INTEREST : Wu 'Kris' Yi Fan


1. Zhang 'Lay' Yixing

2. Kim 'Kai' Jong In

3. Kim 'Chen' Jong Dae





When they met for the first time, Kris was a bit surprised, though he wouldn't show that, that Soah was not affected by his presence at all. Over time he became intrigued with her personality, her two warring sides; one that wanted revenge, her thirst for vengeance but at the same time how she couldn't stand the sight of blood and the incense she'd burn for the things she killed.








Party time 



Soah was signed up for everything that made a lady. Tea ceremonies, etiquette classes, choice in fabrics, literature, painting, writing poems, tapestry weaving, anything you can name it. Though she didn't hate it, she didn't like it either. Sure she appeared sophisticated but she didn't like the freedom it took away. The only amount of adrenaline rush she got was from reading suspense/thriller novels.





  • never gets nauseous
  • gives really good massages
  • can summon crocodile tears in an instant
  • self-proclaimed fruit eating master
  • photographic memory



  • cannot stand extreme blistering heat
  • needs constant supply of water
  • she's a bit weak on the defense side
  • loves herself too much



Sonic Screech | offense | Puts both her hands to to direct her screech in a particular direction | Bursts her opponent's eardrums and blackens them out | 7

Summon 'Insert name of the creature summoned' | magic offense | Bites her right thumb and draws out her blood which she wipes on her left forearm in a straight line and utters the spell. | It's a summoning spell that basically can summon anything she calls out ranging from fishes to seals to the underwater sea monster that lay dormant 'The Kraken'. The only downside to this spell, she has to be near a water source while performing this. 'The Kraken' is an exception. | 3-9 (depends on what she calls)

The River of Styx | magic offense | Puts her palms together in a Namaste pose then pulls i away to create a small orb of water between her palms which slowly forms into a big water bubble that engulfs both her and her opponents. | Its 100% effective and guaranteed that her opponent will die if encased in this bubble. The downside to this spell is that the user also dies along with his enemy. But the enemy has to be encased within the bubble, if the enemy has used a substitute wood or anything of sorts to fool her, then this spell is void and the user will live. | 10

Fish-Man Karate | physical offense | N/A | It's just like the form of karate except in this one, the user can stand far away from his target and practice his move and still his moves will hit the target. This technique works as her moves turning into sound waves which can transmit through water or air itself and hit the target. | 8 - 9





Offense 7/10 
Defense 3/10

Mana 4/10
Marksmanship 2/10 
Speed 8/10
Stealth 3/10 
Strength 6/10 
Stamina 5/10 
Endurance 7/10 
Reflex 9/10




Tranquility 6/10 
Intelligence 7/10 
Fortune 3/10 
Bravery 8/10 
Trust 0/10 
Trustworthy 5/10 
Observation 8/10 
Following Orders 4/10








☂ ❉ ☀ ☁ ☄ ✿



I don't think I have any. I haven't taken upon any apply fic yet so a bit clueless. Oh, oh I know! How about one of the pairs being binded to one another for a short amount of time for some stupid thing they fell into? Or you can also make two of your girls fight with each other the typical way, hair twisting, scratching, biting whatever just to blow the lid off and then they become good accomplices. Hehe!

 END :

If you have to, then I'm fine but...but..but I don't want to die! /cries





Wow, one thorough application form. I like it. Hope you liked my app just as well. But really, can't wait to get it started. Don't worry author-nim I'll stick to this fic even if I don't get chosen. I'l need some clues and hints if I'm to start an apply fic myself. Oh but remembering the girls will be hard. And sorry for the long long details and angsty personality.




■ DONE? I love skybluelatte!



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