Choi Siwon, You Bias Wrecker!!

I have been watching Siwon's Drama: "King of Dramas"  and it is AMAZING!

I mean Siwon wasn't even in the first two episodes and I didn't care.

The storyline and acting are so good that I would watch the show even if it didn't have Siwon in it.

BUT! It does and OMG he's wrecking my bias list with his acting!

Siwon's normally towards the bottom of my list, but he's jumped into the top 5!

His character on the show is hilarious!


It's like he's playing an idiotic parody of himself and I love it!!



Siwon's facial expressions in this are PERFECT!

He's really good at being funny without looking like he's trying.



I'm in love with this show and I've only seen five episodes so far.

 Time to go watch more!!


"Excuse me! Has some one forgotten who their Bias is?"

NO, you're my #1 forever, Heechul Oppa!


"That's right, I am."

"Poor, Siwon. He will never be #1!"





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XD You are so awesome! And Heechul keeps coming after you.
narasama #2
Your GIF story telling is awsome ! i laughed so much!
I don't have time to watch anything! T_T
Maybe I should watch too! He's like my last. Excludig no one.
But it's okay Hyukkie and Heenim, you'll always be my biases!
interesting... I'll check it out
Of course he's a bias wrecker!
He's Choi Siwon..........................but I'm saying that because he's my bias.........teehee.
I haven't seen Siwon act, maybe I should check it out...................
Where can I watch it? O.o
I might have to watch this now. Siwon's always been at the bottom of my list too =P
Boxxinamja #10
Last gif... *snickers* But, it comes on every evening over here, either re-runs or an actual episode. Ah, I love living in Korea. XD It's such a good drama! Siwon has ALWAYS been in my bottom three. Now he's like... Ranking above Sungmin. Which is cray cray.
What drama? :D
I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS DRAMA. THE PLOT LINE IS ACTUALLY INTERESTING, and not like your typical drama, which I completely ADORE. HE's jumped up my bias list as well.
I've been watching it, and I've seen Siwons other dramas... THIS IS SO MY FAVORITE! His acting is amazing, he's never done a character like this before, and he rocks it! He seems so much more comfortable like this. The whole drama even without him is perfect!
keke I think I have the gif for the Heechul/Siwon joke :P