I hate them!!

Malaysians.. Watch this please. Im sorry to those who is not malaysian. Because the video is in malay. So i dont think so you can understand it. Im too pissed off right now. You will understand my feeling if you watch this malaysian kpoppers. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=ejCqw6V_17s


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workinpro #1
I am pissed too.

How can us, Malaysian respect them if they bash and are rude to others?
If they want us to like and love their music, they should do better songs. It is not our fault if we love KPOP more if they have ty songs. To be honest, I love hearing to Malay songs, especially if they are very nice to hear.

If it is a good music, we will love it but it is it terrible, they can't force us to love it even if it is from our local artist.

It is still the same with KPOP singers. If their songs are terrible, we won't like or hear it. It's the same with local songs.

If they want us to love local, try to be better and not wasting their time saying others are bad and stuff.

I am not saying that Malaysian has bad musics, they have nice musics. They should work harder if they want us to love their music.

They didn't realize that when they are bashing others, they actually are making people losing interest in their music and local music.

This is not the first time that malaysian celebrities bash KPOP. They are jealous of how we loves KPOP more then them. It's not our fault.

They are just being so pathetic /sigh/