Mental Age: 21

[X] You know how to make a pot of coffee. I live for that shizzle. o3o

[X] You keep track of dates using a calendar. I have an Leeteukie calendar I made. It's pretty. :3

[] You own a credit card

[] You know how to change the oil in a car
[] You've done your own laundry
[] You can vote in an election
[X] You can cook for yourself  Considering I live on campus by myself in China for a year...
[X] You think politics is interesting I love politics!! :D Uh -- but not Canadian politics. Harper is boring. .___. And we have politicians and no money.


[] You show up for school late a lot
[X] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket I lost my pencil case
[] You've never gotten a detention I got a detention for letting someone copy my homework; I also didn't go to it because that's a shizz reason. .3.
[] You have forgotten your own birthday
[] You like to take walks by yourself
[X] You know what credibility means, without looking it up 
[X] You drink caffeine at least once a week


[X] You know how to do the dishes
[X] You can count to 10 in another language Considering that I'm trilingual... And then I watched Dora as a child. xD
[] When you say you're going to do something you do it
[X] You can mow the lawn I earn my parents $$$ during summer
[] You study even when you don't have to What are you talking about!? I always have to --
[X] You have had washed a car before


[X] You can spell experience, without looking it up
[X] The people at Starbucks know you by name I-- Always there.
[] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[X] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need Everything is too expensive nowadays.
[X] You understand political jokes the first time they are said 
[X] You can type pretty quick


[] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[] You have been to a Tupperware party dafuq is that? :3
[X] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[] You have more bills than you can pay
[X] You have been to the beach I live near 5 great lakes. And etc.
[X] You use the internet every day I live for the intranets!
[X] You have traveled overseas for more than 5 times
[] You make your bed in the morning Pshh. Who does that? I don't. o3o
[X] You realized people of the opposite might just make better friends Don't we realise that at like the age of... I don't know. 4?



PUUUUHHH --- I'm 15 . ONE and FIVE. TEN PLUSH FIVE. :3 No twos in there.


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Mine is 23 and I'm 23... xD
My mental age is seven...

/cries in a corner.
HAHA I just mentally did this and my age mental age would be 19. (HI MENTALLY OLDER UNNIE LOL) I'm 17 though xD