Annoucements (4)

New annoucements

1. New fic coming soon
2. Shoppe is open

New fanfic coming soon:

I'll be doing an EXO fic, it'll be part of a trilogy series. So it will be divided into 3 stories. It'll be my largest project so far. I was thinking of a good date to release it, and the only date that popped out in my mind was 12/12/12. So as I have decided, it will be released on the 12th. And the foreword will be up around the 10th or 11th. I'll give a bit of a spoiler: there are tinges of romance inside but I haven't decided on who to ship the OC with. Meanwhile, the fic is still in progress of planning.

Besides that I have one more of my fic, stashed somewhere in my ideas file. I probably said something about this idea a million times. I have to repeat it again then. Its a Boyfriend fic, but I realised after I start the EXO fic, I'll be having three fics in progress and I know I won't be able to handle a fourth one. Especially when I have a hard time with only 2. So about this fanfic, I will keep this idea but I'll start on it later maybe after I finish my BAP/Infinite and the Nu'est fic.

Shoppe is open:

My review ( poster) shop is open now! And I am taking in request as of now. Do feel free to request for my services, I will do my best! Do subscribe too~ I'll be hiring helpers soon, so if you are an artist/ a reviewer/ anyone who is interested to help, come and apply. I'll gladly 'employ' you :-)


So that's all for now



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