Mystery High 비법고등학교 Application || Belle Janneau

Mystery High Application


       Applicants Legal Name: Belle Janneau


Date of Birth: 23/09/1997         Place of Birth: Toronto, Canada              Current Place of Residence: Incheon, S.Korea


Are you a Korean resident?: Yes  Nationality: Korean-Canadian            Species: Vila


What languages do you speak(State fluency)?: American English(Fluent), Korean(Conversational)




Gender: F                         Height: 160cm, 5'2                  Weight: 48kg, 105 lbs

Bloodtype: O+                        Eye Color: Hazel                       Hair Color: Dark Auburn Brown                   


Current Grade: 10(2012)             Average GPA: 0.2-1.0 | 1.1-2.0 | 2.1-3.0 | 3.1-4.0



Wanted Classes (Pick 8) (If requesting an honors or AP class put a '*' next to your choice) (Must pick a History, Science, Language and Math)

Pre-Algebra | Algebra |Geometry | Algebra II | Pre-Calculus | Calculus | Statistics

Early World History | Ancient World History | Korean History | Chinese History | American History | Civics | Vampire Wars | Supernatural Wars | Supernatural History | Medieval World | *Psycology | Sociology | Ancestrey | Supernatural Origins

Korean | English | Mandarin Chinese | French | Japanese | Russian | Arabic | Spanish

Physical Science | Biology | Chemestry | Physics | Bio-Medical

Painting I | Painting II | Drawing & Painting | Digital Media | Photography

Intro to Singing | Singing II | Singing III | Intro To Dance | Dance II | Dance III | Chorus | Piano | Guitar

Shape-Shifting 101 | Intro to Potions | Potions I | Potions II | Intro to Hunting | Mind Control Training | Intro to Defense | How to properly feed off a human | Controling Blood Thirst | Elemental Training | Scent Honing | Study of Supernaturals


Class Request: Herbology , *Healing








Roommate Survey 

동숙 인둘러 봄 

What kind of relationship do you want with your roommate?

- Do everything together

- To be friends

- To be respectful and peacefully coexist


How do you feel about your roommate using your belongings?

- Never a problem using any of my things

- OK, but only after asking permission

- OK with electronics, but not my personal items

- My roommate should not use any of my belongings


How often do you clean your room?

- Daily

- Twice a week

- Weekly

- Monthly

- Before a family visit

- When I move out


When does your average day begin?

- Before 8AM

- 8-10 AM

- After 10 AM


When does your average day end?

- Before 11 PM

- 11 PM - 1 AM

- After 1 AM


How would you describe your sleeping habit?

- Light sleeper

- Heavy sleeper


Please write four ways you most enjoy spending extra time.

  • Dance(Ballet) 

  • Gardening(Esp Herbs)

  • Hanging out with close friends

  • Equestrian 


Please write 5-10 likes.

  • Animals

  • Classical Music

  • Strawberries 

  • Traveling

  • Hot chocolate

  • Spring season

  • Green Colour

  • Candy


Please write 5-10 dislikes.

  • Pollution

  • Long plane rides

  • Messy table

  • Swimming

  • Cockroaches

  • Being tickled

  • Horror movies


What's your species like? (Just a quick background on your species (Significant wars why they hate x species etc.)/ if human write 'N/A')


The Vila, fairies of the forests, are known for their beauty and snow white wings. And despite their feminine charm, they are fierce protectors of plants and animals and are revered for their deep knowledge of herbal healing. They usually only have healing powers but there are some certain cases whereby a Vila may have some other power too(eg; mind reading). Belle has prophetic powers. 

Usually seen in a small groups, they are nicknamed the gentle warriors by the other supernaturals. Humans who harm the forests and its creatures would be lured into a magic circle and would be cast a spell which would bestow them bad luck forever. Thus, their greatest hatred is towards the humans ever since the recent decades, since they started to destroy the forest. They hate them for destroying what they protect so dearly. 

Vila are mysterious creatures as their origin is unknown, for all we know is that they have existed for thousand of years. Changed on a day of misty rain with full moon, they would not remember their past life and their instincts would bring them to their group. They are said to be chosen randomly but in fact they are chosen by the Tree spirit because of their tender love for all beings. They are marked behind the right ear once they become a Vila. It is a painful process when they develop their wings and it would usually last for about a day. The good thing is that once they have mastered it they can control and keep their wings with no problems. They have no kins except their fellow Vila thus they are usually very shy and closely bonded with their own kind. They live with the other fellow Vila near the forests. Their food source is from fruits, nuts and flowers.

It is rumoured among the other supernaturals that they are the spirits of betrothed girls who died before their wedding night and are unable to rest quietly in their graves, thus most would want to avoid them. But in fact, they are just longing kind fairies who are a definite sentimentalist.

It is rumoured that Vila are able of taking of the male energy, and then gets his bio energy, with which would give her extreme power. It would leave the man alive but weaken. Even Belle herself is unsure as she has not encountered it before. Thus this is the main reason obstructing her from devoting herself in a relationship.


Write about yourself. (Background)

Like I have described Belle has lost her memories of her past life. But she is determined to at least find out whether she did have any family.

Her past life :

She was born in Toronto, Canada. She led a normal happy girl life with her mum, Kim Seo Eun, a korean and her dad, Victor Janneau a Canadian, and her younger sister, Claire Janneau. They lived in the outskirts of Toronto and only moved to Korea at the age of 8. They had to move as her grandma had passed away and they wanted to live together with her granddad. Thus, she only took up Korean at the age of 8. As she grew older, she began to have visions of the forests, the Vila, and also glimpse of events, which was actually a telltale sign. Though she thought it was merely just the sudden change of environment. Never would she expect herself to grow wings one fine day. It was a misty morning and it looked like it was going to rain. Her back was aching and she felt like going out for a walk. As she walked pass the forest, it kept calling out towards her, repeating "Come with me." Out of curiosity, she followed the voice into the woods and she went deeper and deeper into the woods. It was then, when she arched and screamed in pain. Her back felt like it was on flames. She had no idea her wings were developing. It was so painful that she fainted halfway. When she woke up, it was already at night and she was so frightened since she had no idea where she was. It was then when the full moon shone upon her and her white wings spreaded out and a white dress dawned on her. Her life life began there and then as her memories was erased. She was only 11 then, and though she lost her memories, she could converse well in English since she learnt it since young. She could also converse in Korean but her vocabulary was much more limited than before. Losing her memory did not affect her communication skills. She followed her instincts, to the other edge of the forest, and there she met the rest of the Vila. Her mark behind the ear was set there and then. She entered Mystery High as she was determined to find out the whereabouts of her kin. The others find it rather useless.


Her Vila Form :   

Her Swan Form : 


Describe your personality:

Belle is a sweet tempered and compassionate girl. She is deeply committed to her close friends. She likes to have a close circle of friends whom truly care about her and whom she truly trusts. As her only kin are from the Vila group, she is pretty shy and awkward around new people and is not one who would meet and greet other people first. But once she warms up to those people, she would be very friendly with them.

Despite all these, she is naive for her age, in the way that she cannot sense if she has developed feelings for someone. That is her weakness. If someone treats her well because he likes her, she’ll think it is out of friendliness. She accidentally gives someone false hopes as her kindness makes it difficult for her to reject gifts and praises. This is so mainly due to her whole life, she has been living with females only. She doesn't know how to express her feelings readily to another person too.

She is pretty unconventional I should say. Meaning, she usually wouldn't do things by the book. She has a mindset of her own which is difficult to understand at times. Incredibly creative and loves to explore new things. She has a soft heart for animals, especially horses and she loves the outdoors though she is not very sporty. It calms her down when she takes a stroll in the forests. Quite a morning person I dare say, she likes to wake up to the sun rising and go for a short forest walk before school. And of course, she sleeps early and that's why she hates it when she has to sleep late or people keep her up. She will get moody.

She is incredibly perceptive. She can actually sense if someone has hidden motives whether it is regarding her or not. And, it is right most of the times. Thus, people always go to her for advice. She tends to be strong and not cry in front of others. She is often described, absent-minded as she can go into one room, and forgetting why she went into the room one minute later.

At work, she is driven but not a workaholic. She does what she enjoys to do. In love, a devoted person who gets jealous easily.


Is there anything significant about you? (AKA Trivia)

Owns a horse named, Sapphire.

She likes to share her problems with her horse.

Doesn't really like to change into her swan form

Usually seen in a dress or a skirt, doesn't really like pants.

Has an mark of a Vila behind her right ear.                        



You prefer a roommate who is:

Definitely not a human. Someone who can keep the conversation going and I can trust.


How social do you prefer your room to be?

- Quiet and serious

- Welcoming to one or two friends at a time

- A lively social center where everyone hangs out



Please rank in order of preference, with "1" being the most important and "3" being least.*

- Double (3)

- Triple (1)

- Quad (2)



Do you wish to room with the same gender?

- Yes

- No

- No Preference


*All dorms are in an Apartment style






Other Application



First Ulzzang Choice Name: Baek SuMin

Links (Hyperlink 5-9):  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7


Second Ulzzang Choice Name: Byeon SeoEun

Links (Hyperlink 5-9): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7



Family: (Name | Age | Occupation | Species | Relationship)

Victor Janneau | 43 | English teacher | Human | Father
Kim Seo Eun | 40 | Housewife | Human | Mother
Claire Janneau | 12 | Student | Human | Sister


Friends: (Name | Age | Grade | Personality |Species | How did you meet)

Amber | 15 | 10 | Total opposite of Belle. Boyish, Outgoing and friendly, and loud. But like the saying goes, "Opposite attracts." Amber is a morning person too and they met at Mystery High. Coming from a totally different background, Amber was Belle's first friend. She is the type of person who would speak up for Belle and be there for her no matter what. She is very dependable in times like this. But on the other hand, she depends on Belle for help on homework as she isn't very good with it. She is a total food lover and eats much more than Belle. | Larée(Person with Weather Manipulation powers) | Amber was Belle's first tablemate during Algebra class. From there, they slowly warmed up to each other and they found out that they also have English class together. Because of the amountof classes they spent together, they naturally became good friends with each other, helping each other out whenever needed.

MyungSoo | 16 | 11 | The only senior Belle knows. He is a very down to Earth person. A very affable person I should say when you get to know him. He is very thoughtful and looks out for Belle. He treats her like his sister and gets over protective at times. He is not a person who expresses his feelings out loud and is a rather quiet person on the outside if you do not know him. But once you get to know him, he is a sweet and caring person who would help you out whenever he can. | Elementalist (Earth) | They met on Belle's first day of school. She got lost and MyungSoo helped her out. MyungSoo in turn became very friendly with her after she insisted on treating him to lunch to thank him for helping her.


Rival: (Name | Age | Grade | Personality | Species | Why are you rivals?)



Former Love: (Name | Age | Grade | Personality | Species | Why did you break up? | How do you act around each other now?)



Crush: (Name | Age | Grade | Personality | Species | How do you act around each other | What are you to each other ex. Dating, Friends, BFF, Hoobae-Sunbae)

Dong Woo | 15 | 10 | He is not much of a talker. He likes to hang out only with his bunch of close friends. His mysterious personality is most people's first impression. But when it comes to being infront of his close firends, he is actually a total joker. Clumsy in his own ways, which make people can't help but laugh. He is very considerate and attentive when it comes to a female. But the unfortunate thing is that he takes some probing by his friends to speak to the person he is fond of, in other words cowardly. | Shape-Shifter | They were pretty awkward with each other at first but they have Dance class together. They practically didn't talk to each other before they were paired up in a dance exam. They had to come up with a dance piece and this brought them closer. They are now friends but Belle is still pretty shy around him and Dong Woo doesn't have to courage to chat with her. | Friends


Back-Up Crush: Lee Joon


Anything extra you want to say about your character?

Hope you liked my application! Spent some time to try to link everything together. Hope you can understand it and please tell me if you are not happy with anything! ^^



Taemin Gif~~





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