Last Fantasy : Yong Soah


Username:  fluffy_clouds

Profile linkeu: click

Name: Yuki


Character name: Yong Soah

Nickname: N/A

Age: 17

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 47 kg

mirror mirror.

Ulzzang: Jung Roo



Back-up ulzzang: Fancy



Casual -  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Formal -  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Others?: none

two moons.


Bright, humour-loving, sarcastic and outspoken. That's Yong Soah for you. Never finding it hard to voice her opinions, suprisingly Soah is an introvert and a bit hard to approach due to her shy nature. But getting to know her, one realizes she's one vibrant vivacious child. That doesn't mean Soah doesn't have her sad days. As Soah is a bit weak at heart, even the smallest of remarks or things she sees hurts her in the worst way possible. No matter how much anguish she is going through she never shows it on her face, always remaining headstrong so that she can be a support for someone. She always has her head up in the clouds, so most people who look at her for the first time often pass her as an airhead. Soah always tends to dance around dangerous situations never bothering to take it head-on but when time calls for it, she's more than prepared to lay her life down the line. She doesn't candycoat her words, always being blunt and straight-forward and if she doesn't like someone rather than being pretentious and talking behind their backs, she'd tell them in their face. 

Responsible for her actions and very much mature for her age, Soah hates people who act very childish in order to gain attention unless the person is childish by nature, but still even then, she'd have a hard time liking that someone. Soah likes her powers very much and always uses it to her full advantage. But she never takes it for granted. With great powers come great responsibilities, Soah is very aware of this statement and always tries to take everything on her shoulder never entrusting her work to others. Even under the worst of possible situations, Soah never looses her cool and knows keeping calm is the best solution. Whenever Soah is asked something whose answer Soah knows is either bound to hurt or irritate that person, she chooses to keep quiet rather than releash an ugly series of fistfights. However that still does not change the fact that she always has a bucket of ice-cold remarks at hand, enough to reduce her opponents down to tears.


The only memory Soah has of her past is green meadows strectching on forever with the blue sky so vast, one could get lost in it. She remembers seeing a big bird flying in the the sky and just then she hears a voice, a feminine one call out her name 'Soah'. It's always upto there and Soah always feels misplaced after seeing this vision.

Soah was born to a well-off family or that was what she believed until she found the truth. Her parents had always wanted a child but during the child-birth part something went terribly wrong in the process which cost her her foster mother's life and what could have been her foster sibling. Her foster father couldn't believe his loss. Struck by grief and misery, he'd thought of ending his life when a woman of unbelievable beauty came to him in his dreams and handed Soah to him, asking him to take care of her until she believed she reached her right age to pursue what destiny had in store for her. When he woke up, indeed there lay Soah in his arms, a bundle of innocence and joy one could not help but fall in love with.

Because Soah turned out to be an only child, she'd been showered with endless love by her father, always being given what she asked for. Thankfully she didn't turn out to be a snob. Maybe it's because of the morals and principles her father taught her, the way he'd wanted his kid to turn out to. Despite the lack of mother, her father never made her feel that she did not have one. He fulfilled both roles so well for a widow. That's why Soah loves her father very much and when the truth came out, she loved him even more for being able to treat her as his own and she couldn't even hate him for having hid the truth from her for so long because she knows that feeling of loosing very well.



reading dictionary | horror movies | fashion | dipping her feet in water | animes and mangas | photography | cloud-watching | star gazing


periods | high heels | double-crossers | romantic movies | fatigue | green veggies | stinking rooms | pranks & lies


1.  Squishes her teddy bears to death when overly happy.

2. Mutters 'brainfreeze' under her breath whenever she gets an idea.

3. Slaps the nearest person when irritated.

4. Pops her back effectively after lazing for too long.

5. Has a habit of moving in her sleep.

6. Drinks a lot of water.


cooking | figure-skating | knitting | reading and writing stories | collecting stickers of her favourite characters | sleeping(her favourite past-time)


1. She can't do aegyo to save her life. When others do it, she find it cute, ask her to do it, you'll be scarred for the rest of your life.

2. She never cooks for anyone. If she does, then it's official she's accepted you.

3. She believes hugging can de-stress people.

4. She doesn't believe in destiny and soul-mates. She calls them a bunch of crap set up by suspicious hobos. Ironically, she finds legends and myths an interesting topic.

5. She shows more feeling for animals than she does for humans.

6. Animes and mangas are the only priveleged ones so far who gotten to see Soah in a heap of crying mess with snot all over her face.

7. She's a bit selfish finding it hard to share her things.

8. Her favourite subject is psychology.

9. She's often embarassed of her emotions,


Mother, Age, Occupation: Yong Hana, 30(deceased), Violinist

Father, Age, Occupation: Yonh Jae Shin, 47, CEO of Yong Corps.

Siblings: N/A

Friends/Best friend:

Best Friend - Jiyeon (T-ARA)

Friend - Dasom(SISTAR), Ailee

cruel fairytale.

Persona: The  white crow

Pair: Oh Sehun

Relationship with your destined pair:

They did not exactly go like bread and butter when they first met. Though he may have been a pretty face on the outside, the moment he opened his mouth Soah swore she'd never met anyone as pompous, arrogant and mischievious as him. He believes it's a man's job to protect woman and this exactly is what steps on her nerve so badly, being labelled as a useless heap of sack who needs to defended every moment or else she'll fall. They'd be at each other's throats literally. Later on as time passes, Soah learns that he's like that because he'd never had anyone to praise him all his life, so he always took it upon himself to congratulate himself whenever he'd done something he was proud of. As their barriers slowly subside, they learn to confide in each other and once in a blue moon, Soah compliments him well.

finishing touch.

Comments/Suggestions: No, not much! You're doing great. Even if I don't get chosen, can you provide me with a feedback as to where I should improve? Thanks. And can't wait for the story to officailly start!


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