Day 4: Found something to do on here finally (December 1, 2012; 4:40PM - 6:30PM)

Stole this from my dongsaeng KaillaJJANG (her fics are great, I swear by it! If you don't like them, IDGAF)

1. Who was the last person you held hands with?

  • Probably my Daddy.

2. Are you outgoing or shy?

  • More outgoing?  It depends on who I'm with. My friends: Outgoing  Strangers: Hella shy

3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?

  • Uhh...I don't know a who. But I know a what. (The art gallery in Shreveport, excited...don't know when Daddy's taking me) 

4. Are you easy to get alone with?

  •  If you mean 'alone,' then yes. If you mean 'along,' it's depending on personality of the other person.

5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?

  •  HE F**KING BETTER! I dealt with his drunk before.

6. What kind of people are you attracted to?

  • Personality: Someone who likes me for who I am & will deal with my overactive ADD & super hyperness.  Looks: Asian, preferably Korean

7. Do you think you'll be in a relationship two months from now?

  • I have a complicated life when it comes to love. I don't know if I will.  Maybe...

8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?

  • The guy I love now, Eli from U-Kiss, Hoon from U-Kiss, Tao from EXO-M, Key from SHINee, Donghae from Super Junior since I need to finish Ms. Panda and Mr. Hedgehog...

9. Does talking about make you uncomfortable?

  • Depending on how bad it is. If it's someone at school gossiping about how she did this with him or he did that with her, not really unless it's very DESCRIPTIVE.

10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?

  • Victor or my dad, one of the two.

11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?

  • "It wasn't that I didn't get them...I was just asleep. Don't be jellealous." - To Victor

12. What are your 15 favorite songs right now? (FIVE ISN'T BIG ENOUGH TO NARROW SONGS DOWN)

  • Maxstep - Younique Unit (SMTOWN)
  • The Chaser & Paradise - INFINITE
  • All U-Kiss songs I have (Mainly Stop Girl the Korean and English version and Cinderella)
  • Good To You Ft. Jessica Lee - Marianas Trench
  • Sour Candy Ft. Marianas Trench's Josh Ramsay - Carly Rae Jepson
  • Better Than I Know Myself - Adam Lambert
  • Any Boyce Avenue song & cover (Briane - fav song/ Just The Way You Are or What Makes You Beautiful - fav cover)
  • If It Means A Lot To You - A Day To Remember
  • Love Like Woe - The Ready Set
  • SPY, y, Free, & Single, Haengbok, From U - Super Junior
  • Some Nights - Fun.
  • I Hate Everything About You/Never Too Late - Three Days Grace
  • Trust Me - Yuya Matsua
  • Lying Is The Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - Panic! At The Disco
  • The EXO songs I've listened to (Favorite is EXO-K's What Is Love?)

13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?

  • Only if they get my permission first...and if it isn't my mom.

14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?

  • Half-and-half. Depends on if I'm having a good day or not.

15. What was the best thing about your summer? 

  • Uhhhh...sleeping late...GETTING MY BEST FRIEND BACK!

16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

  • I do like everyday before he goes to sleep. Why wouldn't I kiss my dad?

17. Do you think there is life on other planets?

  • *Further examination needed*

18. Do you still talk to your first crush?

  • I've only had one crush, and yes. I'm not crushing on him anymore. I got the person I love back. ♥

19. Do you like bubble baths?

  • Yes, but I don't have to take I don't like the limit of space in my bathtub. (Tub/Shower combos = not fun to take baths in)

20. Do you like your neighbors?

  • YES! My bestie is my neighbor across the street. ^.^ I love it.

21. What are you bad habits?

  • My room is "dirty"/If my nails aren't painted, I start messing with them and they bend and break./ If my nails ARE painted, I can't help but try to get the nail polish off...

22. Where would you like to travel?

  • Ireland, South Korea, Chicago to see a certain someone, and probably Scotland and England

23. Do you have trust issues?

  • Is there a part I find to be extremely dirty in Marianas Trench's song Desperate Measures?  ("Have a~piece of~Amer-i-can Dream. Open up and swallow on your knees...")

24. Favorite part of your daily routine?

  • Listening to music and sleeping

25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?

  •  My stomach and my legs...I'm chubby...Oh, and my teeth. Part of my front right tooth is chipped off partially. (didn't chip all the way through)

26. What do you do when you wake up?

  •  Lie in the bed for a few minutes, then go take a shower on school days. On weekends I try to go back to sleep.

27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?

  •  Without the tan I have atm, it's lighter. I don't like tanning. W/O the tan...any step lighter would be f**king albino. No thank you. I don't want to be darker. F**k that.

28. Who are you most comfortable around?

  •  Victor and the people I talk to on here...I don't have to guess if they're truly my friends like people at school.

29. Have any of your exes told you they regret breaking up?

  •  Not that I can remember...

30. Do you ever want to get married?

  •  I did...then my family screwed it up...(if it's to the guy I love now, then yes)

31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?

  •  It would be a very thin ponytail. I just got three inches cut off and layers put in.  But...I don't think it'd look good with my bangs cut the way they are.

32. Which celebrities would you have a with?

  •  Eli & Hoon from U-Kiss...Tao from EXO-M and Eli...Eunhyuk from Super Junior and Sungmin...or...Key from SHINee and Chunji from Teen Top.  Maybe Chunji and L.Joe...(OMG I'm such a ert dongsaeng to them....Mianhae Oppas...)

33. Spell your name with your chin.

  •  , please...

34. Do you play sports? What sports?

  •  I like Badminton...but in the gym during P.E. Not a formal game. I like Tennis, too.

35. Would you rather live without TV or music?

  •  TV. I couldn't live without music. I'd die w/o U-Kiss, Marianas Trench, SHINee, Big Bang, and all the other artists I listen to daily.

36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?

  •  I've really only crushed on one person, and he knows. I asked him out, he rejected me b/c he didn't want a gf, meh. I don't care much anymore. I only KINDA like him.

37. What do you say during awkward silences?

  •  There was a gay baby born. (Ok, I know it's bad, but it was made up in sixth grade for Chrissakes.  TT.TT I was don't hate gay people, my best friend is gay and I love him to death. I swear.)

38. Describe your dream girl/guy?

  • Asian, dorky, slightly y(guys usually are anyways), loves to cuddle, WILL PAY ATTENTION TO ME OVER F**KING VIDEO GAMES, Wants to hang out, but isn't too clingy, you know.

39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?

  • World Market, any book store, uh...sometimes the mall.

40. What do you want to do after high school?

  • Go to college.  Maybe be a doctor or teacher. Not really sure. I have a couple years to go.

41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

  • Hell-to-the-f**king-no.  I've got my share of exes. Most of which, I'd never date again.

42. If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean?

  •  You f**ked up big time, I'm pissed, you upset me, just don't know what to say, I'm concentrating (on pokemon or music or a game/project)

43. Do you smile at strangers?

  •  Hell no!  I'm not a creeper...Now, if they smile kindly at me, I'll return it.

44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?

  •  I don't even like riding roller coasters that often...

45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

  •  School, have somewhere to go w/ Daddy, message on computer, phone calls (pisses me off)

46. What are you paranoid about?

  •  Let's just say I get paranoid when I get left alone by myself in a public place...

47. Have you ever been high?

  •  Not by smoking or inhaling...but by DJ Tiesto's weird music, yes. Damn my brother...
  • 48. Have you ever been drunk?
  • Probably best that I never do. I'm bad enough when I'm hyper.
  • 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
  • Yes. I hope nobody finds out about the secret santa plans for my person at school. They'll tell him.
  • 50. Are you a ?
  • Not mentally...I blame KPop. OMFG...if looks could impregnate, I would have Yeo Hoonmin, Kim Eli, Kim Kibum (Key), Lee Chanhee (Chunji), Lee Sungmin, Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) or Huang Zitao's (Tao) kids probably. There're others...but those are the main ones.

So these are my answers.  Only reason it has taken me so long is because I had to go back and reformat my answers since it screwed up my coloring.  AFF is a jerk to me sometimes...oh well.  Ok, my arm hurts like hell from all that clicking, but I'm going to go work on You're Really The One I Love and My Summer With The Cold-Hearted Panda. Next update for YRTOIL should be soon, but can't promise MSWTCHP will finally be done. It's a long oneshot...




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