we got babies || song hyera || kim 'suho' joonmyeon || won minhee


we got babies!


Song Hyera || Kim 'Suho' Joonmyeon || Won Minhee






Username ; Hye-rae

Profile link ; a click won't hurt.

Aff Activity ; 6



Name ; Song Hyera. Qianxia Song. 

Nickname/s ; Suho calls Hyera 'yeobo'. Minhee calls Hyera 'umma'. Chineses call Hyera, Qian.

Age ; 19

Birthday ; 10 || 31 || 1993

Ethnicity ; Half Korean. Half Chinese.

Birthplace ; New York, America.

Hometown ; Seoul, South Korea.

Languages ; Fluent Korean. Fluent English. Conversational Chinese.

Ulzzang Name ; Lee Geumhee

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Back-up Ulzzang Name ; Kim Seuk Hye

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Style ; 
Keeping it casual when the time is casual. She won't go frilly when she was just going to the Gangnam shopping district. For some reasons, she loves over-sized t-shirt and plaid shirts. Not to forget, leggings. When it comes to formal clothings for events, Hyera didn't want people to underestimate Kim Joonmyeon's wife, did she? So, she loves to wear those glamorous, fashionable ones. Don't get too overboard or too casual. Well, that was what people see in Hyera but what did Joonmyeon and Minhee see in Hyera when they were home? You may laugh your butts off but Hyera usually wears things that she found first. For example, she found a yellow blouse with black polka dot and a pair of pink shorts first. So, she'll wear them. 

Others ; Hyera has a mole on her shoulder.



Personality ;

     Hyera is a bubbly girl . She is a total perfectionist . She is the neat freak . Cleanliness is her priority but she hates taking shower in the morning . She is also a helpful girl . She loves to prank people . For her , she can't sleep if she doesn't prank . She is the easy-going type of girl . She is the most girly girl you ever seen . She loves pink . No pink , say hello to Hyera's tears . She is a nature lover . She loves cute things such as teddy bear . She is very childish and sometimes , she could be clingy . She is also the sensitive type of girl . She could cry in every television shows eventhough the show is cartoon and her favourite character is dead . She is the girl who excels in her studies . But sometimes , Hyera has mood swings . She will become a rude and cold girl . But she will only become like that if she's sad or angry . Hyera has hard time controlling her feelings . She is taking classes from her sister to avoid showing her true feelings to others . And , she is kinda' weird . She has this major interest on fairies and Barbie . She is very childish . She is totally talkative .

                Nobody's perfect . So do Hyera . Hyera is the type of girl who holds grudge . She could be sort of sarcastic sometimes . She is also very spoilt . She doesn't even know how to cook an egg . She is the girl who talk before she thinks . She has haters because of her not-so-good personality . Eventhough she is well-known as the prankster , but she is a coward , actually . She scared of many things like ghosts and insects . Even if the ghost is fake .She is very clumsy . Despite her oh-so-cute personality , she is a rebel towards her father . She and her father will always quarrel about the most simple thing . Sometimes , her mind could be erted but only with his bestfriends . She is a little bit gold digger .She will be cold and rude to strangers that she dislikes . She is a little bit insecure of herself . 

Likes ; 

  • Fashion
  • singer Pixie Lott
  • singer Marina and the Diamonds
  • Money
  • Water
  • color Pink
  • Fairies ( urm... for Hyera, she sort of believe Santa and fairies exist. )
  • Toys
  • brand Barbie
  • the shop Uniqlo
  • girl-group Girls' Generation
  • rookie girl-group EXiD
  • girl-group Miss A
  • rookie girl-group SPICA
  • rookie soloist, Ailee
  • band, One Direction
  • Music
  • soloist NS Yoon-G
  • boy-band SHINee
  • boy-band Big Bang
  • boy-band Infinite
  • boy-band Super Junior
  • Japanese food
  • Italian food
  • Han River, Seoul.
  • Namsan Tower, Seoul.
  • Gangnam, Seoul.
  • girl-group, T-ara.

Dislikes ;  

  • Insects
  • the color Black
  • Bullies
  • s
  • erts
  • Spicy foods.
  • Waiting for people or food.
  • Annoying people.
  • Being scared.
  • Her insecurity.
  • Being forced.




  • Lighting
  • Birds
  • Dark, crowded and narrow places.
  • Ghost stories.

Habits ;

Happy || smile like nothing happened but she will go crazy while smiling and squealing when there's nobody watching.

Sad || cry like there's no tomorrow. she will be extremely quiet. 

Lonely || she will pout. after some time pouting, either she will use the computer to tweet, dancing and singing at the same time, stalking or she will be watching some random shows on the television.

Jealous || she will be an ignorant to you. she'll ignore you until the one that made her jealous came and console her.

Angry || Hyera is good at controlling her anger but this girl is a real dragon. She will probably stay in the bedroom with the door locked. Reading some novels or just laying down the bed. Oh, she will also eat when she's angry.

Tired || she will whine and cry like little Minhee. 

Others || she loves to read people's messages and diaries. therefore, she have many secrets with her. with her childish personality, Hyera usually got into troubles and usually get scolded but this girl won't cry, she will just made a poker face. Hyera loves to bite her nails whether it's clean or dirty. When scared, she will hug people nearby her and she also loves to sleep when she's taking a shower.

Hobbies ; 

  • Dancing
  • Swimming
  • Eating
  • Eavesdropping
  • Pranking
  • Playing Barbie doll.
  • Playing paper doll.
  • Surfing the Internet.
  • Gossiping.
  • Taking pictures.
  • Shopping

Trivias ; 

  • She has claustrophobia
  • She has a small birthmark on her thigh that looks like an aeroplane
  • When she's hearing music , she will forget what's going on the world .
  • She has a Twitter and Facebook . ( Twitter ; @hyeraluff - Facebook ;Hayley Jung Hyera )
  • She has three cats named Bella ,Nella and Kella .
  • She loves the colour pink and purple
  • Her favourite dish is lasagna and sushi.
  • She loves fruit juices, milkshakes, popsicles and bubble teas
  • She admit that the most handsome Hollywood celebrity is Liam Payne.
  • She loves the movie, Twilight and Harry Potter.
  • She is the former model of Gabalnara
  • Scared of insects 
  • She's a Directioner and a SONE
  • She's AB-bloodtyped
  • She could play Piano.

Are you good with events? ; Yes. Probably because she's a good actress and she has this fake smile plastered on her face.



Name of chosen child ; Won Minhee

How you act with her or him? ; They were actually like sisters. Hyera treated Minhee like how she wanted her childhood to be. Full of fabulousity.

What do you do to make him happy, to take care of him, to comfort him, etc.? ;
a ) play with her. Barbie. Paper doll.
b ) take her out to shopping.
c ) take her out to a spa. 


Back-up child ; Bae Chunhei

How you act with her or him? ; They were close. Hyera always been a good-hearer to listen Chunhei's stories.

What do you do to make him happy, to take care of him, to comfort him, etc.? ; 
She will do some skinships with her. Ask her things she wanted to do. Read storybooks for her. Let her play with her friends. Small things made big smiles. 



Love Interest ; Kim Joonmyeon

First impression ;

Your first impression ; 
     At first, Hyera thought Suho is really fierce. It reminds her of her father, who she didn't really like much and she knew Suho were giving glances when she sneezed in front of the public, which made her uncomfortable. He is a perfectionist, she thinks.

His first impression ; 
     At first, Suho underestimate Hyera. How can a nineteen-yers-old girl who looks and behave like a nine-years-old girl like instead? She could see Hyera is a snob. Suho could see that Hyera is very charming in a childish way, which made Suho thinks Hyera is special.

Is he good at events?; Yes. With his manners. 


Back-up Love interest ; Kim Jongdae.

First impression ;

Your first impression ;
     Hyera could really sense Chen's shyness over her. He is really friendly with his friends. Hyera thinks he is charmy, sweet and romantic. Chen also has a great voice and is funny at times. Hyera thinks Chunhei and Chen could be close but Chen needs to lessen up his shyness.

His first impression ;
     Chen thinks Hyera is pretty and a social butterfly. She is very friendly, even with strangers. She is adorable, eventhough she's pretty spoilt. She knew Chen was shy with her, so, she didn't force Chen to be closer to her, instead, she approached Chen and try to make Chen open up with her, naturally. Chen thinks Hyera is a cute yet great mother.

Is he good at events?;  No. He's too shy with strangers.


Date of your wedding ; December of 12th.

Theme of your wedding ; It's an outdoor wedding. The theme is glamourous.

Pick 2 numbers from 1-12 ; 3 and 4.

What do you think about having your baby switched with the others? ; NO. She loves her daughter.

Suggested scenes ; 
--- if I got Suho ;;;

- Hyera was being scolded for being late from shopping with Minhee. Hyera consoled him by cooking LOTS of food and of course, a kiss.

--- if I got Chen ;;;

- well, Chen is super shy to Hyera. They were watching a movie while holding hands when Chen suddenly kissed Hyera's lips.


( I ) ( <3 ) ( JoonHye or JoonRa or SuHye | The Weird Couple )




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