Seriously, I don't know what I love, what I want in life, what I care, what I hate, what I don't want to do.

Everything are like moving and moving all by themselves. 


After I write, and when I'm about to update, ha, something is wrong again. 

I don't find my writing perfect enough.

I kept on editing and editing. Up till now, I still produce no work. 

What is wrong with me?! *stares at the mirror* 

I really hate myself so freaking much. *bangs head and die* 


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Trying to perfect your writing is like trying to taste water -it's impossible. Nobody's writing is perfect, even those known authors. It's just about the way you feel about your work that makes it beautiful. If you think your work had been good enough, then the people reading it will think so either. So don't lose hope, a lot of people out there feels exactly the same. You're not alone :))
Um... For now I suggest you should go to bed... It's 1:09am now and I'm going to turn in so... Just go to bed and tomorrow you'll be fine...