93 Facts about me.. #copied


1. Name: BangNara.. XD
2. Nickname: Nara
3. Age: SHHH.. :p
4. Male or Female:Female.. 
5. Primary School: Secret
6. Elementary school:secret
7. High school: secret
8. Hair color: Dark hazel..
9. Tall or short: short.. im 144.. Thats the previous record but i think grew alil bit taller.. XD
10. Phone or Camera: Phone!!^^ Phones have cameras.. :p
11. Health Freak: ????
12. Orange or apple: Apple,without skin.. :p
13. Do you have a crush on someone: ABSOLUTELY!!
14. Eat or Drink: Drink..
15. Piercings: Ears..
16. Pepsi or Coke: Coke..
17.Been in an airplane: DUH~ -.-"
18.Been in a relationship: Once.. 
19.Been in a car accident: ALMOST! 
20.Been in a fist fight: Yeah.. with my oldest sister..
21.First Piercing: On the ear..
22.First Best Friend: Junkyung(i use her korean name XP)
23.First Award:NONE :((
24.First Crush:AARON AZIZ! XD 
25.First word: BAP.. ??
26.Last friend you talked to in person:BLOCKFINITE 
27.Last friend you texted: Yang Sarang(her korean name)
28.Last friend you watched a movie with: KHJ123,Rauziyy..
29.Last food I ate: Fried rice..
30. Last movie you watched: HUNGER GAMES!!^^
31. Last song you listened to: BAP - What The Hell
32. Last thing you bought: six fruit plus sweets.. XDXD
33. Last person you hugged: BLOCKFINITE..when they gave a belated birthday present..
34. Food: Mcspicy.. *.*
35. Drinks: Blueberry Tea..
36. Bottoms: Black skinny jeans..
37. Flowers: Baby Breath.. 
38. Animal:HORSE!!^^
39. Colors: Blue,Pastel colours..
40. Movie: Hunger Games and Breaking dawn part2..
41. Subjects: ENGLISH~~ 
42. Fell for someone so hard and got heartbroken? Eerm.. yeah.. i was caught in a fever for missing him too much.. 
43. Celebrated Halloween? NOPE! not in my religion..
44. Had your heart broken? Ofcourse..
45. Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone? Yeah..
46. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? Nope1
47. Eaten a whole standard sized pizza? I could but i have to share.. XD
48. Tried to do something, but couldn't succeed?Yeah//
49. Did something I regret? Yeah..
50. Broke a promise? i dont know.. :/
51. Hid a secret? Yeah..
52. Pretended to be happy? Im always pretending.. 
53. Met someone who changed your life? Yeah.. not just one but 12 of them including 1.. My friends,BAP,and Kris.. XD
54. Pretended to be sick? Yeap! always works.. XD
55. Left the country? yes..
56. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it?Yeah.. 
57. Cried over the silliest thing? Yeap!
58. Ran 5 miles? Nope! walk yes..
59. Went to the beach with your best friends? Yeah.. :") memories.. 
60. Got into an argument with your friends? yeap!
61. Hated someone? Yeah but i dont bother..
62. Stayed single for a whole year? actually,im always single except for earlier this year.. :D
63. Eating: Yongguk's voice(warrior starting)
64. Drinking: Mineral water in bottle that i always have in the room..
65. Listening To: WARRIOR!! XD
66. Thinking about: Wanting to pee but my sis would snatch the laptop away.. ><" (thats yucks.. XD)
67. Plans for today:eat,talk to HIM,eat,eat,eat.. XD
68. Waiting for: A nice MCDONALD food.. XD craving for mcspicy.. 
69. Want kids: yeap! even numbers! 4.. 2girls 2 boys.. boygirlboygirl.. 
70. Want to get married: Yeah! 
71. Careers in mind: Culinary or just an online bakery store.. XD
72. Lips or eyes: Usually,i look at lips,but i prefer HIS eyes..
73. Shorter or taller: Taller
74. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous..
75. Nice stomach or nice arms?: Stomach.. i no want youngjae fats.. XD
76. Hook-up or relationship?:  Relationship..
77. Looks or personality?: Both.. 
78. Lost glasses/contacts: NOPE! My first glasses is still with me!^^
79. Snuck out of a house: Many times~
80. Held a gun/knife for self defense: nope..
81. Kissed someone before: Hmmm... Daehyun's poster? XD 
82. Broken someone's heart: Yeah.. ^^" I broken 5 peoples heart.. XD Who told you guys to be desperate?! :p
83. Been in love: Infact,im in love right now.. :))
84. Cried when someone died: Yeah.. my late uncle.. when my mother died,i was 3years old so,i don't know anything about death..
85. Yourself: Yeah.. :)
86. Miracles: I dont know.. :/
87. Love at first sight: YES! ^^
88. Heaven: ABSOLUTELY
89. Santa Claus: NO-=.=
90. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: not just one but 6... my friends and him.. :D
91. Do you know who your real friends are?: Yes.. I really miss her.. :)
92. Do you believe in God?: Yes.. <3
93. Would you change something in your life?: My house.. XD


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Haha......so sweet bang Nara XD kiss daehyun poster!XD
Haha......so sweet bang Nara XD kiss daehyun poster!XD