┇ Guardian of the Tree » application ┇ Lee Jin Hee ┇


(Lee Jin Hee)
(Picture of the Ulzzang Here)
Here I Am
username » vnxazn
name/nickname » J
age »15
Nega Jeil Jal Naga...
full name » Lee Jin Hee
other names & nicknames » Jinny, by everyone but her parents.
age & birthdate » 18, August 29, 1994
» female
ual orientation » heteroual
birth place » Daegu, South Korea
hometown » Gyeonggi, South Korea
ethnicity »Korean
languages »Fluent in Korean, okay in English but still broken and heavily accented, horrible at Chinese (The foreign language she has to take in school)
Beautiful Style...
ulzzang name » Hye Jin
back-up ulzzang name » Sung Sin
style »

Lee Jin Hee has adapted a very casual and laid back sense of fashion from being with her cousin and brother too long. She enjoys wearing pants, shorts, sweatpants, and t shirts, but doesn’t like wearing skirts or dresses. She also loves trying on her brother’s clothing because she thinks she looks good in them. She loves bow ties because she thinks they are absolutely adorable. Jin Hee tends to wear cute clothing items like Hello Kitty brands. Jin Hee only wears skirts and dresses when her brother begs her. Jin Hee doesn’t really like to dress up and keeps things simple. Jin Hee tends to use her brother’s clothing like shorts and t shirts for practice because they’re big and baggy on her, making her extremely comfortable. She also loves wear outerwear like sweaters, hoodies, and sweatshirts. She doesn’t go to practice without one. When she sleeps, she likes to wear shorts or sweatpants and a t shirt because they are extremely comfortable and that way she has a temperature regulated clothing. So she isn’t too hot or too cold. Sometimes, if she gets lazy, she just sleeps in the clothes she wore that day.She also loves sheos and accessories, focusing on those things more than the clothing.

height » 167 cm
weight » 43 kg
accessories » Ear piercings, no plastic surgery but she does have glasses and refuses to wear them
*Every girl has the tattoos naturally of the powers that matche up with their "mentors", just put where they are on your body.
On her hip or on her back right between her shoulder blades.
Neo Na Ara!
background/history »

Ever since Lee Jin Hee was little, she was constantly attached to her big brother and, Lee Jin Ki, and her cousin, Lee Taemin. Because of this, she’s gained a very conservative and casual nature of fashion. Because her brother constantly babies her, though, she has a very cute and upbeat personality. She is very childish and foolish in many ways because she refuses to let go of her childhood.

Like a child, Jin Hee has an immense amount of innocence and most of all, happiness. There is not a time when Jin Hee isn’t smiling. Even if she is hurting inside, she’ll hold it in and smile for the sake of others’ happiness. She knows that if she’s sad, she’ll make others sad, so she carries the burden of her feelings alone. Jin Hee is usually never outwardly upset, but when something is said that puts her over the top, she will throw a tantrum. Outside it may be a small tantrum, but inside, it’s like an erupting volcano. Onew and Taemin know this situation well.

Because Jin Hee is such a bubbly type of girl, she tends to attract other people with her aura of happiness. She is like a beam of happiness and the people are like bugs to her light. Jin Hee tends to get along with new people well, unless they don’t like the cute and bubbly kind.

Jin Hee is very attached to her brother and refuses to live a day without seeing him. She constantly sneaks into Onew’s college to see him, even though Taemin goes to high school with her and tries to stop her. When she does find him, though, Onew tends to get in trouble for having a non student on campus.

Ever since she was little, she would share in her brother’s love for singing and her cousin’s love for dancing, giving her some great skills in the two subjects. The only way to calm an upset Jin Hee is by letting her blow off steam through dancing. To ensure that she’s in top shape to dance, Jin Hee loves to go running. It also helps her to get rid of all her extra energy. Jin Hee, however, hates any other form of exercise. Because Onew and Taemin always danced and played rough when they were little, they would constantly get hurt. Jin Hee then naturally became a mother like person, tending to their wounds every time they would fall and scrape a knee. After taking care of a person, though, she goes back to being a big toddler.

Jin Hee is hugely attached to cute things, especially her brother and cousin. If she sees anything cute, she will overreact about it. Jin Hee definitely loves music, influenced by her brother. She especially enjoys soft music like soft pop, ballads, or classical music. Jin Hee has a very honest type of personality and she’s not afraid to say anything. However, she is failure at reading atmospheres and is constantly drifting off to her wonderland. Jin Hee is also a very innocent type of girl. Though Jin Hee is weak in strength, she is strong in emotion and has a strong will to fight for what’s right.

Even though Jin Hee loves her brother and cousin, she wants a guy for herself who is calm and collected. She wants him to be the serious and manly type of guy. She attends Seoul High School of Performing Arts along with Taemin.

personality » same as history.
likes » food, cute things, puppies, dancing, singing, art, blue, ice cream, candy, strawberry milk
dislikes » lies, people who pretend to be things they aren't, make up, having to put in extra physical effort, bugs, frowns
habits » staring, drifting off when people talk to her, not watching where she's going, tripping up stairs or on the ground, biting her lip, tapping her fingers and moving around when things are quiet
hobbies » dancing, singing, drawing, listening to music, reading love storiees
trivia »
story plot » I want her to be the type of girl who is weak on the outside but strong on the inside. When the time comes for her to unleash her inner power, she wows everyone. She is the time of person that is small in quantity but big in quality. She thinks everyone is her friend. She can't help but be optimisitic. I want her to be constantly afraid to use her powers because she is afraid to see someone sad, but in turn, she feels useless and unable to do anything with her powers. When the time comes for her power to be needed, she'll blow everyone away.
any scene requests »
Scene 1 (If she ends up with Sehun)
Jin Hee decides to go on her daily run in the park. Sehun is taking a walk to clear his mind of the pressure he has from searching for the guardian girls. Sehun is stressed out and and listening to music. He stops and removes his headphones from the ipod and turns it off to put away for storage. He stops and thinks in his head about how impossible the mission is and asks for some kind of help from the unknown, not paying attention. All of a sudden, Jin Hee gets distracted switching songs on her ipod and runs into Sehun. Jin Hee apologizes repeatedly making various cute faces, pissing Sehun off because he hates cute things. Sehun takes one look at her and immidiately decides he doesn't like her. Jin Hee notices the ipods on the ground and picks them up, accidentally handing hers to Sehun and apologizes before getting up, embarrassed. Not knowing she switched the ipods, she runs off, leaving Sehun in the dust. As he watches her disappear beyond the horizon, he looks at the back of the ipod to see that his initials and phone number were not etched into it. Instead there was Jin Hee's nickname "Jinny." Sehun frustratedly pockets it, seeing as there was no way to contact her. Hopefully she'll see his phone number and return the ipod.
Scene 2 (If she ends up with Luhan)
Jin Hee once again sneaks out after school ends and rushes over to Onew's college with Taemin in pursuit. Jin Hee ignore's Taemin's urges to stop and dives head first onto campus. She then finds Onew's room where he is sitting cross legged on a desk with a handsome boy sitting behind him, leaning on the edge of the desk with a book in his hand. Jin Hee rushes over to Onew, not even noticing Luhan. She jumps and tackles Onew, falling onto the ground, only to realize she tackled the wrong person. She gets up and apologizes then hugs her big brother. Onew introduces her to Luhan and this is the start of their relationship. Onew then scolds Jin Hee about being on campus when the teacher suddenly walks over and scolds both of them. They recognize her only because of her uniform. Jin Hee considers Luhan her friend right away and invites him over to dinner where their friendship starts to bud.
Scene 3
Sehun gets hurt somehow and is in a lot of pain. Lay tries to step in and help him but Jin Hee beats him to it. As she begins to get to work on Sehun, Sehun refuses her help. In turn, Jin Hee yells at him and tells him to stop being so stubborn. Sehun is surprised by her stern tone of voice and decides to let her treat him. Sehun then stares at her in awe as she treats his wounds with a serious expression on, keeping a straight poker face. She finishes and Sehun is impressed by how professional and mature she looked helping him. Immidiately after finishing, she reverts back to her cute, smiling self, though Sehun is no longer bothered by it that much anymore. Instead, he is actually a bit attracted but waves the idea away because he knows he hates cute things.
Into Your World !

father » Lee Jin Ho | 49 | company manager | Is very goofy like Onew. Though he is silly and child like, he tends to be always on the topic of his company. He's barely ever home due to constant business trips around Korea. He often calls home due to worry and he misses his kids and wife a lot. He is kind of like Onew, though Onew can be mature at times while he himself is all childish. | Very close on the outside. He loves his daughter but is barely ever home.

mother » Lee Eun Bi | 47 | housewife | Very strict unlike the father. She is all business and no play. She does however love her daughter very much. She shows her love through strict teachings and scoldings. She is very hard on her daughter about being a woman and ladylike but Jin Hee doesn't listen and continues on being a little girl with boy like senses. | Outside they don't seem close, but internally, they have a mother and daughter connection no one could ever get rid of. Eun Bi always knows how Jin Hee feels even if she is smiling. She is very sympathetic with her children.

sibling » Lee Onew | male | 22 | idol | real | Extremely clumsy, loves his little sister like no other, over protective of his sister, when he is serious he can be scary and loud, takes his singing and dancing career seriously, enjoys chicken.. a lot, a very 4D like personality, goofy | Extremely close to his sister. The two are almost inseparable. The two were always together as children. When he debuted and had to leave home, the two became very distraught. His sister looks up to him very much and he cares for her like no other. He tends to be overprotective at times. When he deals with things about his career or his family, he takes it seriously with an aura of maturity.

relative » Lee Taemin | male | 19 | idol | real | He is very shy and quiet. He only speaks when need be. Taemin treats dancing like his life. He loves banana milk and becomes very upset over it if someone takes his last one. Even though outside he keeps a cool, calm, and collected posture, if you do something wrong against him, he becomes upset and child like. He dislikes loud noises. He is afraid of nearly everything. He usually has a happy, upbeat personality but when music starts playing, he does a 180 turn. | cousin | Taemin and Jin Hee are close, best friends. Because Taemin always came over to their house to play, Onew and Jin Hee tended to baby him. Even though she is younger than him, she treats him like her little boy. Taemin loves Jin Hee like a sister and takes care of her if Onew is busy. Though Jin Hee tends to look after Taemin and baby him more than he watches over her, he is always there to protect her along with Onew.

ex-boyfriend(s) » Never dated before because of overprotective brother.

rival » No Na Ri | 18 | student | Quiet and mean. She is a very straight forward and hurtful person. She is the complete opposite of Jin Hee. Though she has everything she may ever want, she dislikes Jin Hee because Jin Hee is such an angel. She wants to see Jin Hee crumble once before her and wipe that smile off her sweet, innocent face. She hates the fact that everyone likes Jin Hee and she herself has a few haters. | oc | No Na Ri was at the top of her class. She was Miss Popular and had everything she ever wanted. Then Jin Hee came in and stole her spot as the most popular person in school. Everyone loves Jin Hee because she's so sweet and cute. Na Ri may be y and smart but Jin Hee's cute dumbness would win any day. Na Ri also does kind things behind the scenes like volunteering and so on but nobody knows because Na Ri wants to uphold her reputation as the ice princess. Jin Hee, however, has seen Na Ri volunteer before, therefore never sees Na Ri as a bad person. | Na Ri pretends to be nice to Jin Hee in front of her but silent curses her from behind. She's your typical Ms. Jealous. | Jin Hee knows that Na Ri doesn’t like her but she likes Na Ri because she sees the good in Na Ri. She believes that Na Ri is a good person while Na Ri hates her because of envy and jealousy.

 please remove unnecessary sections to prevent confusion for the author.
What is Love?


love interest » Sehun (Exo K)

about him » 18 | Wind | Quick and quiet. Outside, he maintains an adult like appearance. He is all business and no play. He hates the idea of being cute or adorable to others. He doesn't like to be treated as a kid. He is like a black knight. Though he seems cold outside, he'll be there for you no matter what if he cares about you. He tends not to show how he really feels unless he's around someone he really likes. He enjoys music although the way he acts doesn't seem like so. He puts up a very cold and boring front. After he gets to know someone, he gets more revealing. Sometimes he lets a cute expression slip here and there then quickly hides it. Jin Hee tends to notice these but doesn’t say anything because she doesn’t want him to get mad.| The two met at the park. As Sehun was strolling through the park, Jin Hee was doing a daily run around the park. As she was switching songs on her ipod, she ran into Sehun, who was turning his ipod off. The two crash and drop their ipods, switching them. Jin Hee apologizes, making various adorable faces, which irritate Sehun. Because they're ipods are the same, they end up taking the wrong ipod and head home. After realizing the switch, Jin Hee flips the ipod over to reveal a number and eventually arranges a meet up with Sehun. As Jin Hee looks through his ipod, he realizes they have similar taste in music along the lines of soft pop, a few classical, some ballads, and so on. She begins to slowly take an interest in him.  | Jin Hee is hooked on Sehun. She begins conversing with him, being the polite person he was, he replies, but doesn't like it. Her child like appearance and how she acts constantly irritates him. Jin Hee naturally calls him a friend but he doesn't like her. After a while, though, she begins to rub off on him through various acts that appeal to him like dance and singing. She is also very mature when need be like her brother.

love interest 2 » Luhan (Exo M)

about him » 21 | student | He is a very sweet and gentle type of guy. He knows how to treat a girl well and make her feel special. He has a soft tone of voice. When he is angry, though, he tends to overreact. He is a very sympathetic type of person. He does well with others. He is a prince like type of person. He stands up for others and is not afraid to stand his ground. He is intelligent and old natured type of guy. He is a very heart set guy where if he has his heart set on something, he is determined to get it. | Jin Hee goes to visit Onew at his college and meets Luhan who is studying music with Onew there. Luhan is a friend of Onew. As Jin Hee strolls into the classroom, looking for Onew, Luhan is reading a book beside Onew as he is chatting with other. Luhan is introduced to JIn Hee by Onew. Luhan can't help but be intrigued about how she has a pleasant aura around her.  | Luhan and JIn Hee become friends and soon Luhan finds himself spending more and more time with her. Luhan at first thinks it's just because she's Onew's sister and he thinks of her as his sister, but then things get a little conflicted for him...

ending » Sehun: Jin Hee decides that they should be best friends a little longer so that Sehun has time to confirm his feelings for her. Sehun is hesistant but gives in. Before parting, for the day (or however you want it to go) Jin He pecks Sehun on the cheek and runs off. Sehun becomes flustered and runs off after her, covering his cheek as if the kiss might peel off.

Luhan: Jin Hee admits that she likes Luhan more than a friend. Luhan has not admitted his feelings yet. Luhan, not knowing what to say, kisses her then abruptly realizes what he did and begins to walk away with Jin Hee in pursuit. Jin Hee begins questioning Luhan about his feelings and Luhan rejects everything, too embarassed by what he did.

Keep Your Head Down...
before power life » Before even knowing she had powers, Jin Hee was always told that she was a bright light in everyone's lives. She always knew how to light up a room upon entering. Jin Hee loves being a bright, optimistic person who makes everyone happy and smile. If someone is ever down, Jin Hee takes it upon herself to make them happier.
Jin Hee also has a spectacular way of helping people get better, especially when they are sick or hurt. She is a spectacular nurse. Somehow, when she takes care of people, she makes them feel so much better just by touching them. People always seem to heal faster when they're taken care of by her.
Jin Hee always knew she was a good nurse and bright person to others, but she didn't know she was that bright...
powers »  Light & Healing if not then Light and water
persona » The Warm Light
mentors » Baekhyun & Lay
backup mentors» Baekhyun & Suho
power knowledge» Both boys know about they're powers. Baekhyun is master at his power while Jin Hee doesn't know how to control her power. She just uses it all random. Lay is not an expert at his power while Jin Hee is a natural. Lay is upset by this seeing as he is her sunbae.
Goodbye !
extras » I don't know...
password » I'm A Guardian
forgotten anything » If I missed anything or you need something cleared up, let me know and I'll fix the application up. Sorry, there was a lot of writing so I probably messed up somewhere @_@


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Oh Yeah. Where it says (Character Name Here) you should replace the text we other Lee JinHee.
I really like yourapplication but can you choose some one from EXO-M? Other than that, everything else works out. As you should know Tao, Luhan and Lay are taken. You're accepted /shush.