High Score High School Application

Application Form:

Contact Info:

AFF username: ShinningStarx3

Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/34068

Character info:

Name: Kaneko Junko

Nickname(s): Jun


Grade at school: 1st

Birthday: 29 December 1995



- Stalking people

- Surfing net

- The colour blue

- Pets

- Sweets

- Desserts

- Making people's life miserable


- Darkness

- Dirtiness

- No electric supply

- erts

- Smokers

- Annoying people

- Seafood


- Like to obviously stalking people

- Like to online scratching people's secret

- Always bringing sweets to wherever she go

- Help people when she feels it's injustice

- Become a foreigner immediately when she is in disadvantage situation


- Stalk people

- Surfing net

- Playing with her pets

- Writing

- Dancing

Fears: Darkness, High places


- Blood type : AB

- Always wears watch

- There's a star tattoo at her left hand wrist

- 3 ear piercings at her left ear

- Won't forget everything she sees

Personality: She is a friendly girl. At first. If she feels that you are a good person, she will be friend with you. If she thinks that you're not a good one, she will just ignore you. She can be friendly, but very cool too. When in front of people she doesn't like, she will just show it out that she doesn't like them. She doesn't like people act close with her. She will feel it's disgusting when you act close, in fact, you're not. When you're close to her, she can do everything for you. When she feels hyper, she will do many many crazy things that she like. She doesn't care about her image. When she is mad, she can make your life super miserable. So, don't annoy her or make her mad. Don't ever do something bad behind her. If you did it, she will make you feel regret. When she is sad, she like to be alone. When someone disturb her when she is emo-ing, blame yourself for the consequences. She will pretend to be a foreigner when she is in disadvantage situation.


She love to stalk people. Stalking couple, faker and liar are her hobby. She get a skill after these years of stalking, that is , she can detect liar. When she saw someone lying, she will straightly shout out "You're liar!" even though she don't know that people. When she saw injustice things happen, she will help no matter she know that people or not. She is a good listener. Her friends always find her when they have problems because her advice always helped them to solve the problems. Oh ya,she is very addict to the computer too. That's her hobby. Her professional subject is ICT. She can create a  lot of impossible, possible. She is like a computer genius. When she is small, everyone same age with her are playing jumping rope, hide and seek, but she is playing with the computer. Without any teaching. Luckily, she is not like a nerd always trapping herself in the house. She have an extraordinary memory. When she sees something, she won't forget it. This have pros and cons too.

Background: She is born in Japanese-Chinese family which her father is a Japanese while her mother is chinese. When she was 5 years old, her parents involve in an accident and lost their lives. When the accident occured, she was also in the car and she is the only survivor. Since then, she have phobia in dark and small places. After that incident, she seems to be too frightened until she forgets whatever happened that day.Then, she is adopted by a couple which is also a Japanese-Chinese and they live in Korea. The day that she is adopted, she never remembers what happened before she is 6 years old.


Appearance: She have a children face but an adult body. She is 170CM tall and 46 KG. She have long hair and wavy hair.




Name of the ulzzang/model: Han Su Hyun

Style: She love off-shoulder shirts alot ! She always match it with hot pants and mini skirts. Sometime, when she have no mood to wear pretty cloth, she will just wear a jeans and hoodie or sweat shirt. She always wears bright colour cloth since it's tha sign of youth!








Family members:

Kaneko Hiroshi [ 45] - He is a very responsible father. Although Junko is not his biological daughter, he treat her like one. Junko is close to her father

Lim Jing Yee [40] - She is a loving mother and always take care of Junko as she is her own daughter. She always give Junko supportive on everything Junko wanted to do.


2PM's Nichkhun [18] - He always wanted attention and always disturb Junko. Junko knows it and always and always play around with him since he loves troubles! Their relationship quite like a brother-sister but a fighting siblings kind

U-Kiss's Kevin [17] - He is a cute and femine guy. He always take care of people and smile a lot. Junko and Kevin are like "Sister" as they always sit down and chat about their problems.

Partner: MBLAQ's Yang Seung Ho , U-Kiss's Shin Dong Ho , CNBlue's Lee Jung Shin - All of them are 17 years old

His personality: Well, he is a very childish person. He always act like children and play around. He like to play prank and disturb people. When he saw food, he will become quiet and eating like there's no tomorrow. But luckily, he won't esily become fat. He always the mood maker. But, when serious things happen, he will become serious which is very manly.

His criminal record: I know it's gonna be very dramatic but he is a thief. He always steal those eat money politician's money and donate it to charity. That's why he is good at pretending and make over.

Your relationship in the beginning: At first, he don't know what kind of people Junko is and he play prank on her. In return, Junko make his life more miserable. But he never learn the lesson and always fight with each other. They always fight in whatever they can.


Your strongest subject: ICT

Your weakest subject: Literature

Your attitude towards your new school: She does not hate and didn't love it though. For her, it's a new place that she need to mix new people and start all over again. Well, any condition it is, she will try her best to overcome it.

Persona: The Justice Fighter


Something I forgot:


Scenes you want to have with your partner:

1. There's a time that Junko feels so sad and wanted to be alone. Then, the insensitive guy doesn't know it and go disturb her. At last he get chased by Junko around the school non-stop.

2. There's once that both of them fight to win the eating competition and both of them eat like crazy. But at last, Junko couldn't stand it anymore and vomit everything out at his body and make him feel wanted to vomit too.

3. Maybe in later later story, Junko was trapped in a small and dark places that make Junko very scare. This incident make her remembering her past which her parents died in the accident. This make her total break down and she couldn't face it in temporary time. He is the one that always stay with Junko and help her to overcome the problem.

Password: WeAreTheTop


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