Does anybody know this fic?

Ok so a while back a read a fic that I really loved but for some stupid reason I didnt sub to it. I'll describe it and if anyone knows what it is please tell me! It were Eunhyuk is in college and is friends with Kyuhyun who has a girlfriend (I forgot her name) and Donghae becomes a new student their. E & D decide to be buddies then E finds out Donghae is a demon. And demons can't be in rain or they change into this weird creature until the next full moon. Also demons can't love or they'll die. And Donghae falls in love with Eunhyuk and he dies and Kyuhyun (being the king of the underworld) brings him back. And that's sorta the whole summary. Anyways does anyone know what I'm talking out?? Please anybody?


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Eunhaeluv #1
omg it sounds cool! but no sorry :(