Accidentally put the title in the tags.

Daragon can have their ugly matching jackets. Not even mad because I'm not a Sherpa. 

The doctor says it's a stomach flu. Does not explain my other ailments. If I don't call in sick, my next day off isn't until the tenth. 

Still no progress writing I can barely keep my head up most of the time. Soon. I hope. 

New phone makes all my aff comments look dumb as . I hate it, but I can't bother to be on here at a computer unless it's writing. Otherwise, I'd review more and better. 

I wish I was a good enough writer to post on lj. I mean not everyone who shares their stories there is talented, but I'd say more so there than here. I'm easily intimidated and overwhelmed because I am my harshest critic in every aspect of my life. I must remember I actually do this for fun. 

I'm yearning to write about romantic love, but I forget that's what the one to burn is for. They're just not there yet. 

I'm scattered. In bed trying to rest. I'll save my blog on socioeconomics in fic until I actually update a story. 


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doodlenotes #1
so many good writers in lj. T^T i feel you.