♚Pandora | Lee Mi Soo

lee mi soo

♚The creator

Username: Dulcet

Profile link: here !

What should I call you?:  Meg


♚The creation

Character's name:  Lee Mi Soo

Nicknames: None.

D.O.B: 05/21/1994

Blood type: O

Height: 160 cm

Weight:  47.5 kg

Place of birth: New York, New York

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: N Korean - F English - B Mandarin



Ulzzang: Kim Seul Mi

Links: here ! ← this link has multiple photos on it!

Back-up ulzzang: Park Seuk Hye

Links: here ! ← again, multiple pictures


♚The table of contents

Background:  Mi Soo was born in New York, New York and moved to Seoul at age five, where she spent the rest of her childhood. She still retained some English from her time in New York, but since she was so young she still had to study English in school to become fluent. An older sister to seven-year-old twin brothers, Mi Soo knows how to take responsibility for others. She was always in charge of taking care of her brothers growing up because her parents were usually busy. Mi Soo's parents were both coporate lawyers, so she never got very close with either of them. However, she is extremely close with her aunt (her mother's sister) and sees her as more of a mother figure. Growing up, Mi Soo was always an average student and knew she would never get into great universities like Yonsei or Seoul University. But she still worked very hard and to this day she is known as the 'little worker ant.' At age fifteen, Mi Soo auditioned to TS Entertainment (among others) to become a trainee and the rest is history!

Personality: mi soo is a quiet, thoughtful soul. she deals with most problems on her own and does not need the company of others to feel happy or complete. in this sense, she is a very independent girl. arguments have never been her strong point, because she is awful with confrontation, so she tries to avoid them altogether. when faced with a verbal conflict, mi soo will back down immediately (even if she is in the right) and leave the scene.

despite this, mi soo does enjoy the company of others. although she can't tolerate extremely loud-mouthed people, she loves to be with people who either share her quiet personality or are kind enough to respect that about her. mi soo prefers calm situations rather than roaring dance parties. she does fine when she's training or performing and the music is loud, because that's a different story.

mi soo is very professional. even if she is not the leader, she isn't afraid to take charge or chastise another member for goofing off when they need to work hard. she is never harsh, though- she is always cool and collected, and she will state her thoughts matter-of-factly. in this way, she is more influential because she knows that an emotional reaction will only up the tension. she likes to be respected, but that doesn't mean she wants people to see her as superior. one idea mi soo treasures is the idea that everyone should be treated equally; after she discovered her brother hyun seob was bullied in first grade, mi soo has had a very tender heart when it comes to treating others with respect or helping someone who has been hurt.

branching off of this, mi soo is a great mother figure for the group. she dotes on the girls in her quiet way; even if some of the members have a loud or overly exuberant personality, she still treats them all the same. mi soo would be the one to take care of any last chores by herself so that her members could go to bed earlier. she is a very giving person who doesn't really expect, or want, for that matter, to be given back to. she does what she does just because.

Likes: skyping with her little brothers, all kinds of fruit, ballads, wearing fuzzy socks, doting on the other members, stretching.

Dislikes: very afraid of airplanes (not the height, just the flying part), chocolate and candies, loud people/situations, clingy people, arguments.

Habits: likes to take naps in odd places, like closets and bathtubs (mostly where it's quiet). talks a lot  in her sleep. tends to sleep-walk and sleep-eat when is stressed, which is extremely embarassing for her. eats when angry, upset, or feeling down in general. is more likely to become mopey and silent when offended by something/someone.

Hobbies: composing music on the piano. writing lyrics. baking. reading autobiographies of interesting people. sketching nature scenes.

Trivia: can bend her legs all the way behind her neck. can crack her spine at will. favorite color is purple. once was supposed to do a CF for chocolate but she couldn't stand the taste, so she couldn't eat the candy with a smile on camera- needless to say she was fired.


♚The supporters

Lee Mi Kyung; 43; mother; corporate lawyer; condescending, sensitive, distant, distraced; not very close with mi soo, as she never has time for her. she doesn't really even hope to get to know her daughter better. it's not that she dislikes her, it's just that her job is more important.
Lee Duk Sook; 44; father; corporate lawyer; pushover, nervous, awkward, shy; he would like to be closer and spend more time with his children, but he fears that his wife and co-workers will be upset with him if he doesn't come into work as often. he is completely obedient to his wife but has good intentions and is not a bad person.

Lee Hyun Soo; 7; brother; outgoing, demanding, pesky, loving; both twins are equally close with mi soo. hyun soo and mi soo have more friction because of different personalities, but they still get along regularly. mi soo is more likely to burst out at him than hyung seob.
Lee Hyun Seob; 7; brother; quiet, caring, intelligent, loving; both twins are equally close with mi soo. hyun seob and mi soo get along best because they both enjoy a quiet atmosphere. they like to watch movies and read books together a lot.

Friends: ( name; age; group they're from; 4 words describing personality; how did they meet?; describe relationship. Max of 5 )
Zelo; 17; BAP; immature, goofy, sensitive, loyal; they met through dae hyun; Zelo treats Mi Soo as his noona and looks up to her like a sister. Mi Soo enjoys Zelo's company because the time they spend together makes her forget about her problems, and he always manages to get things off her mind. Some people think Zelo has a little bit of a crush on Mi Soo, but no one knows for sure.
Hyun A; 20; 4minute; confident, sassy, funny, trustworthy; they met through yo seob; Hyun A dares Mi Soo to be more bold and adventerous, and Mi Soo sometimes likes the excitement that Hyun A brings to her everyday life. Mi Soo looks up to her as a close eonni.

Best friend:
IU; 20; sweet, caring, touchy, positive; met during a joint vocal training session hosted been ts ent. and cube ent; the two of them enjoy doing girly things together, like shopping, watching chic flics, etc. they know all of each other's secrets.

Rivals:  Kim Eun Ji; 19; APink; they are more of friendly rivals, because Mi Soo hopes to be just as good as her one day. The two of them actually have a positive relationship, although they are little more than acquaintances.


♚The chapters

Stage name: N/A

Position: Aphrodite

Back up position: Hera

Persona: little worker ant.

Personal fanclub name: Cupids

Personal fanclub color: #DB7093

Years of training: 3 and a half years (started at age 15)

Trainee history:
She auditioned in person at one of TS Ent's auditions and was told if she wanted to pass the first test, she would have to lose 5kg (she was a bit pudgy in the beginning). The next month, she came back after successfully dropping the weight and was able to pass her auditions and became a trainee. The next year at age 16, she gave into pressure from her peers and coaches and got double eyelid surgery. It was something her father had been against, but gave her the money for anyways. The surgery is something that Mi Soo regrets a little bit, because she feels she betrayed her true self in a way. But since then she has mostly gotten over that and has moved on.

B.A.P partner: Dae Hyun

Back up B.A.P partner: Young Jae


♚The special one

Love interest: Yang Yoseob; 21; BEAST; relaxed, humorous, playful, hard worker.

How they met: The two of them actually met on the set of the chocolate CF that Mi Soo got fired from, when Mi Soo was 17. Mi Soo was sitting backstage next to a table covered in the company's chocolates, which were supposed to be her snacks while she was working there. But since Mi Soo doesn't like sweets, she wouldn't eat any and was starving as a result. Yo Seob, who had been called in as a possible back-up, saw her sitting alone and decided to join her. He asked why she wasn't eating, and she told him that she didn't like chocolate so she was hungry. He offered to share his grapes with her, and since then they have become close friends.

Relationship: Yo Seob is actually the one who likes Mi Soo, but Mi Soo is completely oblivious to it! It's definitely a one-sided love. The two of them are relatively close, but you can say for sure that Mi Soo has unintentionally friend-zoned Yo Seob. She has just never assumed that anyone could be romantically interested in her, so she always disregards the possibility. Yo Seob and Mi Soo have an odd but comfortable relationship- Mi Soo is generally soft-spoken and quiet, and Yo Seob brings out the more outgoing and easygoing side of her.


Back up love interest: U-Kwon of Block B; 20; Block B; relaxed, humorous, playful, hard worker.

How they met: Same as Yo Seob.

Relationship: Same as Yo Seob.


Ex: Dae Hyun; 19; BAP; impulsive, critical, soft-spoken, suave.

How they met & broke up: They met when they were both trainees at TS Entertainment. Dae Hyun and Mi Soo were both pretty innocent teenagers at the time. Since they are both vocals, they trained a lot together and started dating within a few weeks of meeting, but of course kept it a secret from TS Ent. However, after Dae Hyun debuted, he became more critical and impulsive, and the two of them began fighting more often. It was especially hard since they could not be together often. Within a few months of BAP's debut, the two of them broke up. Dae Hyun changed from being a quiet person to a guy who is cold and distant; a little high on fame as some would say.


♚The epilogue

Questions/comments/concerns:  N/A

Scene requests/suggestions: ( with your lover, or if you want your character in a drama or something )

Password: here !


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