Poster featuring IU ! ^^ [Give me your comments!]

I entered a graphic contest with this ! 

The prompt was the hardest, which was to listen to this song and create a poster with my own creativity. 

This song gives me a very very original disney feeling. <3

I did the poster with my hearttttt. lol. I just did whatever I feel like. I chose the pictures according to the whole mood of the song.

Give me your comments on this poster please!! Btw, the black and white IU was on purpose~



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Your blending skills are GREAT!! :))
I like it a lot, but I agree with OHsarebearrr
Other than her opinions that I agree with, I really like the poster :))
Good blending skills!!! But the typography... Yeah. The colour of it is really weird and the fonts don't really sync so maybe you could work on that? :)
its great! *claps*
i think its beautiful ;u;
shining_writer #4
Kinda nice. I don't know how this can be further improved though