I'm Back....Sort Of

Okay, for all of my dear people that have pending requests....


I'M SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! My hiatus was pretty random. I feel really bad, and I don't want to leave you with a bunch of excuses, but here we go....

I'll just let you guys know a little what's going on. I ended one job, then I was jobless for a couple months, and started a new one. Now that all my training is officially over and my schedule isn't as random (except on holidays), I'll have time to finally start writing again.

On another note, I was going to do NaNoWriMo again this year, but time has ran away from me again, and I NEED to get all this creativity out of my system.


Long story short, I will slowly start working on requests and hopefully get a couple done in the next week. Things will still be a little sporadic because of the holiday season, but I thought I should at least stop by and let you guys know I'm still alive and haven't forgot about you.


Anyways, Thanks for reading this if you are....it's really random but....yeah!

Until We Meet Again!


P.S. I still can't believe my one bias is in the military now! T_T Teukieeeeeee! I miss you!


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