700 subscribers O_o :D

Hello there~ :)


So as you can see from the title, I've hit a total of (OMGGGG) 700 subscribers! /throws confetti everywhere~ And and, I wanted to celebrate it! And this will probably be the lamest thing ever, but I would like to .. do requests or something, if anybody feels like requesting something for me? .. omg that sounds lame ;_; I'm sorry xD But I thought, maybe some of you would be .. like.. interested? Like, would like me to write something for you? ... I don't know... I just.. ;_; (Lol I'm being dramatic for no reason, I know ><)

So if you would like me to write you something to celebrate MY OWN PERSONAL 700 SUBSCRIBERS thingie... Then please tell me what you would like me to write ^-^ and as you probably know, I like writing , so .. yeah. And as I know you know, I love EXO and I'm most comfortable writing about them~ :) (omg did you know that once upon a time, I wrote a SHINee story? O_o I deleted it xD) So .. (I say that a lot O_o) if you've got a pairing or something, or a scenario or or .. whatever, then let me know :D and if you don't... then this will be even more lame than it already is ;_; haha... ohhh I'm sorry I'm being so weird today O_o


( Okay I know I haven't updated my two ongoing stories for about three weeks, but honestly, I have a reason for that ;_; and and  I'm working on them both right now as well and and.. if you're subscribed to one of those then... please forgive me ;_; ^-^ )


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ohmaigawd that is a lot man.
think about it, you're only 300 subscribers away from 1000!
sadkhaldh congrats!!!
You know what pairing is good for ? ChanKai <3 I love their dynamic! For a scenario... hmm.. maybe Jongin acts like a douche to Yeollie so finally when they get in a fight, they realize they like each other :P idk I ____ with plots lol.
SO STOKED FOR YOU!! So happy you've got so many subscribers!! I'm proud of being an old subscriber of you ^_^
nigirimeshi #3
Wow, 700!! O_O But you definetly definetly deserve each and everyone, actually more xD
And concerning requests.. Well, you know, some dramatic, fluffy Sulay story? xD Or some Baekyeol crack? You acutally write so much good stuff, there is not so much left to be requested.. LOL
kikikirsten #4
Congrats!!!! Uuummm. One pairing I'd like to see is Baekhyun and Luhan. Its totally different then most people would think like most of us if not all know Baekyeol or Hunhan but I want this little mash up. Please!!!
You already owe me one you little~ XD I'll request that! XD
Waaah! Congrats!^^
Woah~ WTG~ ^^<3
I'm honestly a tad jealous~ ;D
But seriously, way to go~!!!! Congrats~!!!!!! ^^<3
*had more to say but is honestly supposed to be sleeping right now so maybe later* orz