tag + first time tagging



1 repost the rules.
2 answer the 11 given questions then create 11 new ones.
3 tag 11 people
4 tell those people that you tagged them


1. If your bias asked you to share your favorite food with them, would you?
I don't see why he'd have any interest in what I'm eating.

2. One accessory that a Kpop idol wore that you want?
Kris' dragon ring!!!

3. Do you wear matching socks or not?
Yes! Haven't gone senile yet.

4. Your bias just stole one of your shoes--just one. What would you do?
Ask him to buy that model of shoes I've been eyeing since last year.

5. Your best friend just broke your favorite album: reaction?
Do I even have one?

6. Your house is on fire: what is the one and only item you grab from the house?
Oh good lord, I have sooo many things I can't live without. I'll probaly end up dying with the house while collecting my precious!
7. You just met your favorite author in real life: reaction?
*PAUSE* Starts remembering all those books I read only to realize I never noted the author's name! /le stupid
8. Someone just broke into your house: your weapon of choice?
The rubber slipper I'm wearing.

9. What colored shirt are you wearing? Or are you even wearing a top?
Yellow, you !
10. If you had a child, what would you name them?
Lets not get ahead of ourselves.

11. One item you'd steal from your bias?
Him itself, lol!


Kay_tea114's questions:

1. If you had a chance to your bias, would you?
Oh good lord, I'd die just to be able to shake hands with him but surrrreeee.

2. Why is the sky blue?
Let's meet up in the afterlife and have a long hearty discussion.

3. Are you anybody's favorite?
Yes sir! (I'm one of a kind!)

4. Your bias ate your lunch. What are you going to do?
No matter, even he's my bias, no one and I mean no one eats my food!

5. Your bias did something really stupid. What are you going to do?
Bask myself in nirvana. It seems not everyone's perfect, not even him. LoL!

6. For some odd reason, you came home and you saw a load of birds flocking into your bedroom. Turns out there's a bird whisperer in your bedroom and his name is Choi Seunghyun? Reaction?
Let's make a fluffy bed out of their feathers and cuddle some more!
7. You just met your favorite author in real life: reaction?
Sign my face!
8. Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Ask the Mad Hatter.

9. Have you considered ing Jiyong? If so, how?
I can't even. I'm innocent! Get that innocent! Doesn't mean I've never had those thoughts though, but only pure thoughts!
10. What's your OTP?
Oh my god! I've just turned my bias into a . I ship him with almost everyone (it has to be boy x boy) and in the end result they end up having a really rough *cough*, I should stop here!

11. What is the meaning of life?
I'll tell you when I know it.

fluffy_clouds questions:
1. Have you ever farted in public?
2. Ever had a really wild fantasy about your bias? If yes, then do shed some light on it.
3. You get to meet your bias. Your reaction?
4. One morning you wake up and find out that you've turned into the opposite gender, just then your mom enters your room. Your first word?
5. Imagine you're a stalker stalking your favourite bias. While going through his laundry basket up for cleaning what woud you take? You can only pick one item.
6. Have you ever been caught reading of your OTP in AFF?
7. Do you ever wash your hands after coming out from the restroom?
8. When was the last time you wet your bed?
9. Have you ever burped accidentally in front of your crush?
10. Your bias or your crush, which one would you choose?
11. Tell me your wish.

I tag you:

1. madz67

2. caramelsweet

3. FanficGrl

4. Taohan

5. deathbychocolate

6. greentealatte_

7. lucidity

8. prelove

9. jbmaunier

10. ichigosama

11. ICRocks1



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thanks for tagging :)
1. Have you ever farted in public?
--- nope
2. Ever had a really wild fantasy about your bias? If yes, then do shed some light on it.
3. You get to meet your bias. Your reaction?
---basking in nirvana.
4. One morning you wake up and find out that you've turned into the opposite gender, just then your mom enters your room. Your first word?
5. Imagine you're a stalker stalking your favourite bias. While going through his laundry basket up for cleaning what woud you take? You can only pick one item.
---his training clothes soaked in his sweat.
6. Have you ever been caught reading of your OTP in AFF?
7. Do you ever wash your hands after coming out from the restroom?
---of course yes..
8. When was the last time you wet your bed?
9. Have you ever burped accidentally in front of your crush?
---for the nth times actually... well whatever.., he isnt my real crush really,, theyre at bangkok right now ( EXO )
10. Your bias or your crush, which one would you choose?
---seriously??.. OF COURSE ITS MY BIASES~!!!!
11. Tell me your wish.
lucidity #4
Being a dork and just commenting on it here.

1. Have you ever farted in public? YERP.
2. Ever had a really wild fantasy about your bias? If yes, then do shed some light on it. I don't really have any wild fantasies, but once I had a dream about him being in my class for school and when I saw him sitting down in one of the desks I KNEW, I KNEW, it was a dream.
3. You get to meet your bias. Your reaction? I met him once. It was amazing and I was so happy, it was beautiful and amazing and gahreat.
4. One morning you wake up and find out that you've turned into the opposite gender, just then your mom enters your room. Your first word? WHAT
5. Imagine you're a stalker stalking your favourite bias. While going through his laundry basket up for cleaning what would you take? You can only pick one item. His jacket (like baseball jacket). (Have you not seen some of the jackets idols wear? So fancy and lovely LOL)
6. Have you ever been caught reading of your OTP in AFF? Nope.
7. Do you ever wash your hands after coming out from the restroom? YES WHO DOESN'T.
8. When was the last time you wet your bed? I don't remember, honestly.
9. Have you ever burped accidentally in front of your crush? I guess? I don't have crushes on people.
10. Your bias or your crush, which one would you choose? Don't have a crush, but if I did, I'd choose crush because we speak the same language + same age + same city, lol.
11. Tell me your wish. CHRISTMAS NEEEDS TO COME SOON
1. Have you ever farted in public? Yes. :)
2. Ever had a really wild fantasy about your bias? If yes, then do shed some light on it. I just want to race HIM. XD
3. You get to meet your bias. Your reaction? asdfghjkl;
4. One morning you wake up and find out that you've turned into the opposite gender, just then your mom enters your room. Your first word? What?! XD
5. Imagine you're a stalker stalking your favourite bias. While going through his laundry basket up for cleaning what woud you take? You can only pick one item. hanky
6. Have you ever been caught reading of your OTP in AFF? nope~
7. Do you ever wash your hands after coming out from the restroom? of course~
8. When was the last time you wet your bed? 6 or 7?
9. Have you ever burped accidentally in front of your crush? almost XD
10. Your bias or your crush, which one would you choose? My love. ;)
11. Tell me your wish. SNSD! <3