ℛumor ℋas ℐt application - Han Seyoung


ℛumor ℋas ℐt 


Han Seyoung

The Hopeless Butterly



 it started with a whisper

username : dattebayo-go

link : here

name : just call me datte!! :D


♕ I can be you new addiction

character name : Han Seyoung

nickname(s) : 

birthday : 10/13

age : 17

ethnicity : Korean

languages : Korean, Chinese, English


♕ hey baby, won't you look my way?

ulzzang name : oh serim

links : 1 2 3 4 5 6 

back-up ulzzang : song ah ri

links : 1 2 3

extra : 

style : comfortable and simple. sometimes, she'll wear more formal/fancy clothing. plaid and letterman jackets are her favorites and moccassins are her must-haves. 


♕ she is a stranger 

history : Seyoung was born in Masan, South Korea and lived there with her family until she was 8. Seyoung's parents would usually ignore her while giving their upmost attention to her other sibilings. During that time, her aunt and uncle were moving to Seoul. They could bring another person with them and they decided to bring Seyoung, since she was the youngest and the most neglected. With no goodbyes and her tears to spare, Seyoung left to Seoul.  During her middle school year, Seyoung met a girl from China and they became immediate best friends (since the Chinese girl didn't speak well enough Korean and Seyoung knew how to speak it a bit). But as Seyoung got closer with the girl, she also developed a crush on her brother. Seyoung didn't want to ruin her relationship with her best friend, nor her brother, so she has kept quiet about this, hoping it'll go away; but it doesn't. And everytime she likes a guy, it doesn't turn out well. So, Seyoung decided to stay single forever because she's hopeless.

personality : Seyoung is a sweetheart. She's kind and always willing to help when asked. Because she's so warm-hearted and really caring, she's considered a motherly figure, especially to the lower classyears. Seyoung rarely gets mad or irritated, and that's probably because she's so calm and patient. Seyoung is easy to get along with as well and a lot of people, especially boys, are her friends. But, she isn't necessarily liked (by girls) because of her personality, though, Seyoung is too soft to actually hate or hurt someone. Seyoung wants to become a doctor for her dream.

Seyoung has low self-esteem, sadly, and she really can't find a good reason why she's a great person, especially for love. She's afraid of rejection or doing something wrong. Seyoung doesn't like to open up to anybody - not even her best friend or family knows her secrets. Seyoung always puts others in front of herself too. She constantly overworks herself to the point where she'll seriously get hurt. Seyoung likes to pretend that everything is okay when she's really not.

likes : 

  • Soft pop/rock - her favorite music genre
  • Apples, peaches, grapes 
  • Books - her favorite is The Little PrinceLord of the FliesThe Racketeer, and 
  • Her iPad
  • Her dog, Yong (german shepard)
  • Rain, snow
  • Baby's breath, daffodils, pink roses


dislikes : 

  • Spiders
  • Bean sprouts
  • Slacking off
  • Failing
  • Swimming
  • Watching TV

habits : 1-3

hobbies :

  • Studying
  • Working
  • Cooking
  • Biking
  • Going out with friends
  • Volunteering at the hospital, orphanage

trivia : 

  • She works three part-time jobs at a restaurant, grocery store, and a flowershop.
  • Seyoung is usually home alone - her aunt and uncle don't come home till super late.
  • Seyoung is a huge fan of Nell, 10cm, and FT ISLAND
  • Her favorite holiday is Christmas
  • Her favorite color is white, black, and gray.

♕ you and I have history

family : 

father - Han Sehyun

age - 50 

occupation - CEO of Han Industry, a construction company

dead/alive - Alive

personality - tough-love, charismatic, level-headed, caring


mother - Kim Sooyoung

age - 48

occupation - Manager of company

dead/alive - Alive

personality - naggy, motherly, disorganized, jumpy


sibling - Han Soohyun

age - 22

occupation - college student

dead/alive - Alive

personality - cool, jokester, self-absorbed, funny


sibling - Han Soojung

age - 20 

occupation - college student

dead/alive - Alie

personality - sassy, over-protective, fierce, diva


friends : 

name : Lee Sungyeol

age : Senior

closeness : Close friend

personality : loud, hyper, possessive, childish

how you met : Sungyeol needed a tutor in their freshman year and knowing that Seyoung was one of the top students, he asked her to tutor him. They got to know each other through that and grew closer.

best friend(s) : 

name : Lu Ying

age : Senior

closeness : Best Friend

personality : gangster-like, bold, possessive, ninja-like

how you met : Luying was new to Korea when she came to Korea during the 7th grade. She was bad at Korean and no one wanted to befriend her. Luying was partnered with Seyoung since she could speak some Chinese and after that day, they've gotten closer until they became best friends.


♕ hey sugar, show me all your love

love interest : Luhan

age : 18

relationship : Friend

meeting : Seyoung and Luhan met when Luying brought Seyoung over to her house in the 7th grade for her brithday party. 

love : Seyoung

love interest two : Byun Baekhyun

age : same as above

relationship : same as above

meeting : same as above

love : same as above

do you want a love triangle? Yes


♕ I could hear the chitchat

the hopeless butterfly

school : Mr. Park (Leeteuk) - he's the only strong parental figure in Seyoung's life, supporting her whenever he can. Mr. Park also gives her meaningful life lessons, which her parents or aunt/uncle has never done.

books : The Little Prince - she's always read this ever since she was little. It was a gift from her grandmother, who died when she was really young. 

love : They don't have  a lot in common besides going out and getting fresh air and yes, Luhan (or Lay) has a girlfriend - it's Yoona.

one to rule them all

boyfriend : Kim Sunggyu 

family : Her older sister got pregnant while her older brother has ran away due to their "screwed-up" life. Her father has betted all of their money and her mother has turned to alcohol and drugs for comfort.

cheater : [can she be an OC?] Song Baekhye // (or if it can't be an OC) Chorong from APINK


sparks fly

car : your car or means of transportation. please don't use public transportion. have a cool car or motorcycle.

ex boyfriend(s) : you need to have at least one. nam + why you broke up + still friends?

favorites : where's your favorite place to go?


forever and always

forever : your disease and maybe a few symptoms

and : what's your favorite thing to do?

always : please give me a few things you want your love interest to do with you or where to take you.


fly to your heart 

romance : why are you such a romantic?

fly : what's your favorite thing to do?

dreams : what do you imagine to be the scene of which your prince charming sweeps you off your feet? details are good.


♕ now rumor has it she ain't got your love anymore

comments? : This is a great idea! :D I hope you like her and please tell me if there's anything wrong! :DD

suggestions : Mm...nope! I don't think so! :D

requests : Is it okay if Sunggyu is in the love triangle...instead of Baekhyun?? I really want a scene where Sunggyu and Seyoung has dated before and he performs "60 Seconds" to her, as a "i'll-be-okay-and-i'll-let-you-go" thing. :'D

password : well, you said there isn't none :)



umor as t



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