`❊ ( 60 초 — [name here] )

facebook-profile-picture.jpg (563×353)


`❊ 60초 application ;

( story plot here ) 


your name : 
username hyperlinked : 
activeness ; (1-10)
what should i call you? 

img_a1751799aa1.jpg (165×22)

character name : (korean,please. the name "ara" is taken.)
birthday & birthdate : (match with love interest's age.)
 birthplace : (anywhere, but remember. you are full korean.)
bloodtype : 
height & weight : (in cm & kg. lets not be anorexic.)

img_a1751799aa1.jpg (165×22)

personality : ( i have a dislike for people who copy & paste. more detailed, the better.)
likes : (5+)
 dislikes : (5+)
hobbies & habits & trivia : (4+ each )

img_a1751799aa1.jpg (165×22)

ulzzang name : (ulzzang yoon ara is taken.)
pictures : 1  2  3  4  5  6 (hyperlink it to these numbers.)
 back up ulzzang name : 
clothing style pictures : 1  2  3  4  5  
clothing style description : (min 7 sentences.)

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the "best" friend: (name - age - personality - group/ulzzang)
other friends : ( min 2 ) (name - age - personality - group/ulzzang)
rival(s) : (name - age - personality - group/ulzzang - why)

img_a1751799aa1.jpg (165×22)

love interest: (full name + group. ulzzangs are allowed.| infinite's l is taken.)
back up love interest: (full name + group. ulzzangs are allowed.)
 how you met : (detailed.)
scene requests : 

img_a1751799aa1.jpg (165×22)


any last comments / suggestions? : 


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