Happy Birthday to... ME!

Today (yes, today, November 22nd) is my 16th birthday guys~

I want to thank all my amazing subscribers for everything. There would be no fics without you guys tbh

I also want to say I'm really really sorry to my subbies again for I haven't updated in like... a month? But I'm in the middle of a really bad author's block and I'm having my finals this week, so what is time to breathe

Other than that life's been pretty good. I met an EXO fanboy and he's amazing. One of the best people I've met in my life, yeah

So, people

And also, happt Thanksgiving to all American people out there!


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HAPPY BIRTHDAY (: (Or am I late?) and loving the Kyungsoo GIFS <3 JUST LOVE (:
many many many congrats to you! <333
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday Dear Writer Happy Birthday to you!!!! Hope you have an amazing day!!! :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D we're the same age now XD