❄ Blue Rose — Application Form | Song Hyera

Blue Rose



Song Hyera

Behind the mask  "Don't Forget Me"

username: Hye-rae
profile: click.
activeness: 9/10
Your reincarnation — "Starlight moonlight"
full name: Song Hyera | Hayley Rianna Song
nicknames: Ally - short for Hayley. 1st Korean Kidrauhl - Kidrauhl is a die-hard fan of Bieber.
birthdate & age: 31st of October. 
ethnicity: Half Korean Half British 
birthplace: London, United Kingdom
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
spoken languages:
   --- korean ( fluent )
   --- english ( fluent )
   --- japanese ( basic )
height: 160 cm
weight: 55 kg
blood type: AB
ulzzang name: Song Ahri
links: 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5
back-up ulzzang name: Lee Geumhee
links: 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5
fashion: 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5
your human side
     Hyera is a bubbly girl . She is a total perfectionist . She is the neat freak . Cleanliness is her priority but she hates taking shower in the morning . She is also a helpful girl . She loves to prank people . For her , she can't sleep if she doesn't prank . She is the easy-going type of girl . She is the most girly girl you ever seen . She loves pink . No pink , say hello to Hyera's tears . She is a nature lover . She loves cute things such as teddy bear . She is very childish and sometimes , she could be clingy . She is also the sensitive type of girl . She could cry in every television shows eventhough the show is cartoon and her favourite character is dead . She is the girl who excels in her studies . But sometimes , Hyera has mood swings . She will become a rude and cold girl . But she will only become like that if she's sad or angry . Hyera has hard time controlling her feelings . She is taking classes from her sister to avoid showing her true feelings to others . And , she is kinda' weird . She has this major interest on fairies and Barbie . She is very childish . She is totally talkative .
                Nobody's perfect . So do Hyera . Hyera is the type of girl who holds grudge . She could be sort of sarcastic sometimes . She is also very spoilt . She doesn't even know how to cook an egg . She is the girl who talk before she thinks . She has haters because of her not-so-good personality . Eventhough she is well-known as the prankster , but she is a coward , actually . She scared of many things like ghosts and insects . Even if the ghost is fake .She is very clumsy . Despite her oh-so-cute personality , she is a rebel towards her father . She and her father will always quarrel about the most simple thing . Sometimes , her mind could be erted but only with his bestfriends . She is a little bit gold digger .She will be cold and rude to strangers that she dislikes . She is a little bit insecure of herself . 
  • Fashion --- I don't know. Everbody likes it, didn't they? 
  • Pixie Lott --- she's talented and Hyera loves her music.
  • Money --- who didn't?
  • Water --- it makes her calm. Her source of power, she said.
  • Pink --- her favourite colour.
  • Fairies --- angels' bestfriend.
  • Toys --- she didn't know why. It made her feel alive.
  • Girls' Generation --- they are talented and Hyera loves their music.
  • EXID --- they are very talented!
  • Miss A --- they are talented, funny, lovable and adorable!
  • Marina and the Diamonds --- she's good at singing.
  • The Wanted --- they are pretty handsome and talented.
  • Music --- like water, this is what she call her source of power, yet, this doesn't makes her calm. It made her energetic.
  • Barbie --- it reminds her of her childhood memories.
  • Justin Bieber. --- handsome. good-looking. cute. Hyera likes him!
  • Insects --- they were always there when Hyera is taking a bath. She felt insecure when the insects were taking a peek at her body.
  • Lightning --- she hates them.
  • Ghost Stories --- ghost stories made her shiver because of she met one scary ghost back then.
  • Birds --- when she was a child, she got chased by a turkey. 
  • Pitch black --- it reminds her of loneliness and she hates being lonely and neglected.
  • Bullies --- they . Didn't they?
  • ty people --- EEEEEW. Even thinking of them made Hyera puke.
  • Dogs --- She prefers cats.
  • dark places --- it reminds her of loneliness and she hates being lonely and neglected.
  • crowded places --- she has claustrophobia.
  • narrow places --- she has claustrophobia.
  • erts --- who loves them?
  • Dancing --- it made her feel good.
  • Swimming --- made her feel calm.
  • Eating --- the only way she could escape depression.
  • Eavesdropping --- curiousity kills the cat.
  • Pranking --- it's FUUUUUUUUUUUUUN.
  • Studying --- it made her feel young.
  • Playing Internet --- she just love it!
  • Gossiping --- typical teenagers.
  • Taking pictures --- it made her feel beautiful. 
  • Shopping --- it's fun.
  • Reading people's messages or diaries . --- curiousity kills the cat.
  • Making poker face when been scold . --- the face can hide everything the heart says, she said.
  • Biting her nails when bored --- /don'tknowwhattoexplain/
  • Eating when angry --- it made her feel more relaxed.
  • Complains about everything. --- perfectionist....
  • Hugs people when scared --- /idkwhattoexplain
  • Sleeps in the bath tub --- she thinks it's comfortable.
  • Fangirls when it comes to One Direction , Big Time Rush and The Wanted --- typical teenagers.
  • Insects --- they were always there when Hyera is taking a bath. She felt insecure when the insects were taking a peek at her body.
  • Lightning --- she hates them.
  • Ghost Stories --- ghost stories made her shiver because of she met one scary ghost back then.
  • Birds --- when she was a child, she got chased by a turkey. 
  • Pitch black --- it reminds her of loneliness and she hates being lonely and neglected.
  • dark places --- it reminds her of loneliness and she hates being lonely and neglected.
  • crowded places --- she has claustrophobia.
  • narrow places --- she has claustrophobia.
your temporary home
family (mother/father/brother/sister|name|age|occupation|personality|relationship):
friends (max.4) (friend/best-friend|name|age|occupation|personality|relationship):
rival (optional) (name|age|occupation|personality|reason why|relationship):
your forgotten past life
background (brief explanation about your life as a human before you died):
The Angel in you  — "Be with you"
name (only first name, an angel name):
age (for how long are you living in heaven):
power (something useful you can do, be creative):
replacement necklace (just a picture will do):
the present you're living for
why are you in heaven?:
background (a little review about your life in heaven):
trivia (interesting facts):
the future you've to protect
your protected soul (you're the guardian angel of...):
your mission (why were you sent to earth):
The Superstar in disguise — "Let's Go"
stage name (make it related to you - either personality or name):
personal fanclub name & color:
between the group
back-up position:
amount of training:
trainee history (anything interesting that happened?):
standing out in the crowd
personal talents:
show off:
sing - 1 | 2
rap - 1 | 2
dance - 1 | 2
Your secret love — "Loving U"
(there is no need for him to be your protected soul)
love interest:
how you two met:
relationship (rivals, friends, best-friends, acquaintances):
back-up love interest:
how you two met:
relationship (rivals, friends, best-friends, acquaintances):
love triangle? (if you want it, your final partner can be a surprise):
Thank you for your time — "Play Ur Love"
scene requests:





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